Törmäsinpä IMDb:ssä tämmösiin hauskoihin "faktoihin" 24 sarjan kovis sankari Jack Bauerista:
Jack Bauer named his cat Chuck Norris. Why? Because he's a pussy.
Jack Bauer does not miss. If he didn't hit you it's because he was shooting at another terrorist twelve miles away.
Jack Bauer does not need eyes, he can smell a terrorist 15 miles away, and can hear the fear in their heads from 2 miles away.
1.6 billion Chinese are angry with Jack Bauer. Sounds like a fair fight.
Jack Bauer once forgot where he put his keys. He then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys.
If Jack says "I just want to talk to him/her" and that him/her is you... well amigo, you're screwed.
When a Jedi senses a great disturbance in the Force, it is Jack Bauer.
If you get 7 stars on your wanted level on Grand Theft Auto, Jack Bauer comes after you. You don't want to get 7 stars.
If Jack Bauer asks for your car, give it to him. And your wife.
In 96 hours, Jack Bauer has killed 93 people and saved the world 4 times. What have you done with your life?
EHEHEHEHEHEEE ! Erityisesti viides on hervoton ! Kuva on 24:n TOD LOiSTavalta 6. kaudelta !
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