torstai 3. elokuuta 2017

Music & Lyrics

Barbecue Shoes

I'm going down to the house of sausage
I got my barbecue shoes on 
I'm going down to the house of sausage
I got my barbecue shoes on 
Gonna burn me a brat and a red-hot footlong 
Gonna smoke me a fatty brisket 
I got my barbecue shoes on 
Gonna smoke me a fatty brisket 
I got my barbecue shoes on 
Got my natural casing, got the hogs on the run! 
Gonna put on my bib, gonna mix up some sauce 
Grab my andouille, baby, show you who's boss 
Got mesquite in my hair, baby I don't care! 
Gonna butter up some biscuit, grab me a pair 
Gonna grab me some thighs at the chicken coop 
I got my barbecue shoes on 
Gonna grab me some thighs at the chicken coop 
I got my barbecue shoes on 
Gonna throw up some legs and get some barbecue action!

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