tiistai 25. syyskuuta 2012
Hyvänyön blogaus + päivän kuva
Aika hauska kuva -isovarpaalle piirretty nukkuva naama ja pistetty tollanen pikkuinen yömyssy päähän. -Kuvassa toivotetaankin -good night -ja minä (Hulk) puolestani toivotan tuttuun MatoApina tyyliin -hyvää yötä ja MO!
Music & Lyrics
Let Me Entertain You
Hell is gone and heaven's here
There's nothing left for you to fear
Shake your arse come over here
Now scream
I'm a burning effigy
Of everything I used to be
You're my rock of empathy, my dear
So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
Life's too short for you to die
So grab yourself an alibi
Heaven knows your mother lied
Mon cher
Separate your right from wrongs
Come and sing a different song
The kettle's on so don't be long
Mon cher
So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
Look me up in the yellow pages
I will be your rock of ages
Your see through fads and your crazy phrases yeah
Little Bo Peep has lost his sheep
He popped a bill and fell asleep
The dew is wet but the grass is sweet, my dear
Your mind gets burned with the habits you've learned
But we're the generation that's got to be heard
You're tired of your teachers and your school's a drag
You're not going to end up like your mum and dad
So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
He may be good he may be outta sight
But he can't be here so come around tonight
Here is the place where the feeling grows
You gotta get high before you taste the lows
So come on
Let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
So come on let me entertain me
Let me entertain you
Come on come on come on come on
Hell is gone and heaven's here
There's nothing left for you to fear
Shake your arse come over here
Now scream
I'm a burning effigy
Of everything I used to be
You're my rock of empathy, my dear
So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
Life's too short for you to die
So grab yourself an alibi
Heaven knows your mother lied
Mon cher
Separate your right from wrongs
Come and sing a different song
The kettle's on so don't be long
Mon cher
So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
Look me up in the yellow pages
I will be your rock of ages
Your see through fads and your crazy phrases yeah
Little Bo Peep has lost his sheep
He popped a bill and fell asleep
The dew is wet but the grass is sweet, my dear
Your mind gets burned with the habits you've learned
But we're the generation that's got to be heard
You're tired of your teachers and your school's a drag
You're not going to end up like your mum and dad
So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
He may be good he may be outta sight
But he can't be here so come around tonight
Here is the place where the feeling grows
You gotta get high before you taste the lows
So come on
Let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
So come on let me entertain me
Let me entertain you
Come on come on come on come on
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

Päivän makee kuva
Arskan The Last Stand leffalla jatketaan päivän makeissa kuvissa -nimittäin eilen tuli poimittua Facebookin seiniltä talteen tollanen aika makee Empire lehden kansikuva missä Arska poseeraa tyylikkään näköisesti sheriffin asussaan. -En kyllä millään malta odottaa tän leffan ilmestymistä. -Trailerikin on nyt raiskattu niin tuhanteen kertaan -että kohta osaan sen jo ulkoa.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2010,
Makeet kuvat

Päivän leffamusa
Päivän leffamusiikeissa kuullaan tänään elokuvan -The Last Stand trailerissa soivaa musiikkia. -Sävellyksestä vastaa säveltäjä Cliff Lin. -Tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän leffamusa

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