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Tontsalle vielä se automuistutus Ritari ässän kyydittämänä. Siinä oli tämänpäiväiset muistutukset. Nyt enää päivän typy ja sit se on minun osaltani siinä. Eipä tule enää mieleen muuta blogattavaa.
Powers of Thagerion Watch the great beast to be For to Mega Therion The dragonian melody The dragon open the eye And reveal both true and lie Spiritual supremacy
Ride the beast of ecstasy Spiritual supremacy Ride the beast of ecstasy
Lalbaophs creative sparks Manifests the utmost dark Lalbaophs creative sparks
Meaning of the letter Theth Hide the force of Bathomet Meaning of the letter Theth
The wound of Baal will be healed When sign of time is unsealed The wound of Baal will be healed
The world will burn by Soraths flame And through the solar sign proclaim
Ascending fiend of the sea Will fulfil prophecy Man will feel the wrath of beast Then Fenris wolf is released The dragon open the eye And reveal both true and lie Spiritual supremacy
The end of revelation A soulful violation The end of revelation
Bear the mark of victory And the speak of destiny Bear the mark of victory
Powers of Thagerion For to Mega Therion Powers of Thagerion
Watch the great beast to be The dragonian melody Watch the great beast to be
The world will burn by Soraths flame And through the solar sign proclaim
Powers of Thagerion Is the great beast you see Powers of Thagerion
Powers of Thagerion For to Mega Therion Powers of Thagerion
Watch the great beast to be The dragonian melody Watch the great beast to be
Meaning of the letter Theth Hide the force of Bathomet Meaning of the letter Theth
The wound of Baal will be healed When sign of time is unsealed The wound of Baal will be healed