You're so hypnotising
could u be the devil, could you be an angel
your touch magnetizing
feels like going floating, leave my body glowing
They say be afraid
you're not like the others, futuristic lovers
different DNA, they dont understand u
You're from a whole other/another world
a different dimention
you open my eyes
and im ready to go, lead me into the light
Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
its supernatural, extraterrestrial
You're so super sonic
wanna feel your powers, stumb me with your lasers
your kiss is cosmic, every move is magic
You're from a whole other/another world
a different dimension
you open my eyes
and im ready to go, lead me into the light
Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
its supernatural, extraterrestrial
There is this transcendental, on another level
boy, you're my lucky star
i wanna walk on your wave length
and be there when you vibrate
for you i risk it all
Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
its supernatural, extraterrestrial
Boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
its supernatural, extraterrestrial
tiistai 21. kesäkuuta 2011
Päivän pelimusa
Päivän pelimusiikeissa on myöskin pala vanhaa MatoApinaa mukana -nimittäin Blake Stone -Aliens of Gold pelin kansikuva jonka kävin poimimassa vanhasta blogista. -En näet aluksi edes muistanut koko pelin nimeä..., mutta selattuani hetken vanhaa blogiamme -niin sieltähän se löytyikin. -Poimin sieltä myös huomisen pelimusiikin kuvan talteen. -Tässä kuitenkin Blake Stonen tunnari josta vastaa tuttu säveltäjä Robert "Doom, Wolfenstein" Prince. -Tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2011,
Päivän pelimusa

Päivän "sananmuunnos" puujalka

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PIha on LIukas niin PUlut KAatuu
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Hulk blogging 2011,
Päivän puujalka

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Päivän leffamusa

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