maanantai 8. elokuuta 2022
Päivän KKSA-kuva
Tällänen tuli muokattua tälläkertaa. Sain inspiraation kuvaan bussin ikkunasta näkemästäni Yamarin mainoksesta katosbussipysäkin kyljessä.

Päivän trailer: Halloween Ends
...kai toi pitää mennä katsomaan, että näkee miten tämä uusavuton paska päättyy?! Vaikka, se on khyllä vaan toiveajattelua, tämä paska pääty koskaan - niin kauan kun idiootit menee näitä katsomaan/ostaa kotiinsa, niin... Joo, eiköhän pointti tullut selväksi - kärsitään nyt ainakin edes yhden kerran tämä, toistamiseen tuskin tarvitsee katsoa, vaikka TV:stä tämä uloste varmaan tulee ihan riittämiin.
Päivän video ja makee kuva
...jota ennen vähän makeempi kuva kyseisestä sankarista 💕 Tämähän sopisi vaikka päivän makeaksi kuvaksi ja... No nyt se on (muokkasin otsikkoa) 😎
Ei h€lvetti mikä video... 😁
...ei kun, nyt saatan muistaa - taisin aikanaan omaan blogiin tunkea tätä oikein urakalla :saint: Olin ihan in love =D Ja, nyt rakastuin uudestaan tähän - täähän pitää katsoa monta kertaa päivässä, niinkuin silloin tein B) =D
Music & Lyrics: Jackson Browne The Load Out & Stay (Live BBC 1978)
Now the seats are all empty
Let the roadies take the stage
Pack it up and tear it down
They're the first to come and last to leave
Working for that minimum wage
They'll set it up in another town
Tonight the people were so fine
They waited there in line
And when they got up on their feet they made the show
And that was sweet,
But I can hear the sound
Of slamming doors and folding chairs
And that's a sound they'll never know
Now roll them cases out and lift them amps
Haul them trusses down and ge t'em up them ramps
'Cause when it comes to moving me
You know you guys are the champs
But when that last guitar's been packed away
You know that I still want to play
So just make sure you got it all set to go
Before you come for my piano
But the band's on the bus
And they're waiting to go
We've got to drive all night and do a show in Chicago
Or Detroit, I don't know
We do so many shows in a row
And these towns all look the same
We just pass the time in our hotel rooms
And wander 'round backstage
Till those lights come up and we hear that crowd
And we remember why we came
Now we got country and western on the bus
R&B, we got disco in eight tracks and cassettes in stereo
We've got rural scenes and magazines
And We've got truckers on the cb
We've got Richard Pryor on the video
We got time to think of the ones we love
While the miles roll away
But the only time that seems too short
Is the time that we get to play
People you've got the power over what we do
You can sit there and wait
Or you can pull us through
Come along, sing the song
You know you can't go wrong
'Cause when that morning sun comes beating down
You're going to wake up in your town
But we'll be scheduled to appear
A thousand miles away from here
People stay
Just a little bit longer
We want to play
Just a little bit longer
Now the promoter don't mind
And the union don't mind
If we take a little time
And we leave it all behind, and sing
One more song
Oh, won't you stay
Just a little bit longer?
Please, please, please
Say you will, say you will
Oh, won't you stay
Just a little bit longer?
Oh please, please stay
Just a little bit more
Now the promoter don't mind
And the roadies don't mind
If we take a little time
And we leave this all behind and sing
One more song
Jackson Browne: mestari!! Neil (Young) ehkä vähän kovempi - aika tasaisen taistelu khyl... =)