Päivän leffamusiikeissa kuullaan tänään lauluja elokuvasta South Park -Bigger, Longer and Uncut. -Tämä on siis samalla music and lyrics blogaus. -Valitsin soundtrackiltä kaksi hauskinta -joista ensimmäinen on biisi...
Uncle Fucker
Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker
You´re a cocksucking, ass-liking, uncle fucker
You´re an uncle fucker, yes it´s true
Nobody fucks uncles just like you
Shut your ficking face, uncle fucker
You´re the one that fucks your uncle uncle fucker
You don´t even sleep or mow the lawm
You fuck your uncle all day long
(what´s going on in here?)
Shut you´re fucking face, uncle fucker
You´re a boner bitting bastard, uncle fucker
You´re an uncle fucker, i must say
You fucked your uncle yesterday!
Uncle fucker, that´s u-n-c-l-e, fuck you!
Uncle fucker!
Suck my balls!
Ja toiseksi kappaleeksi valitsin Cartmanin hauskan pilkkalaulun...
Kyle's Mom is a Bitch
[Cartman:] Weeelllll-
[Kyle] Don't do it Cartman!
[Cartman] Weeelllll-
[Kyle] I'm warning you!
[Cartman] Ok, ok!
[Kyle] I'm gettin' pretty sick of him calling my mom a-
[Cartman] Weeelllll,
Kyle's mom's a bitch!
She's a big fat bitch!
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world!
She's a stupid bitch!
If there ever was a bitch!
She's a bitch to all the boys and girls!
[Kyle] Shut your fucking mouth Cartman!
On Monday she's a bitch,
On Tuesday she's a bitch,
On Wednesday thru Saturday she's a bitch!
Then on Sunday just to be different,
She's a super king kamehameha bi-atch!
(Come on you all know the words!)
Have you ever met my friend Kyle's Mom,
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world!
She's a mean old bitch,
And she has stupid hair!
She's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch!
She's a stupid bitch! (Woo!)
Kyle's Mom's a bitch
And she's such a dirty bitch!(Hey!)
Talk to kids around the world.
It might go a little bit something like this...
[Sung in 4 different languages by other children]
Have you ever met my friend Kyle's Mom,
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world!
She's a mean old bitch,
And she has stupid hair!
She's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch,
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch!
She's a stupid bitch!
Kyle's Mom's a bitch,
And she's such a dirty bitch!
I reeeally mean it,
Kyle's Mom,
she's a big fat, fuckin' bitch!
Big, old, fat, fuckin' bitch!
Kyle's Mommmmmmmmmmm!
Yeahhhhh, Chaaaaa!
maanantai 19. maaliskuuta 2012
Päivän kuva
Ehheheh :D...!! -Hyvä nimi tuotteella: -"I love pussy" :p...:)... -Voin jo kuvitella tilanteen; -lapsi huutaa kaupassa innolla: -"I love pussy, mom. -Can I have it, please mom, please...?"
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän kuvat

The Expendables 2 is rated R after all
Ou mother effin' hell YEAH 8)...=)...:)...!!!111 -Kesällä ilmestyvä Expendables 2 on sittenkin rated R elokuva -eikä mikään pussyass PG-13 shitti. -Kyllä siltä leffalta odottaakin kunnon väkivaltaa eikä mitään pehmopauketta. -Maltan tuskin odottaa leffan saapumista ensi-iltaan. -Myöskin haluisin kyllä jo nähdä uuden -pitemmän trailerin leffasta -ja paremman julisteen -missä kaikki näyttelijät mukana. -Siis virallisen julisteen missä kaikki tähdet. -Onhan sellainen jo olemassa missä kaikki näyttelijät..., mutta se oli se fanijuliste.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
The Expendables

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