tiistai 10. tammikuuta 2012
Päivän makee kuva
Facebookissa TheArnoldFans sivuilla eräs käyttäjä oli teettänyt Arskan uutuusleffasta -Last Stand tollasen hienon kuvan. -Jaoin kuvan omalle Facebook senälleni -ja päätinpä samalla poimia kuvan päivän makeeksi kuvaksi tänne MatoApinaan. -Kuten Facebookissa kommentoin kuvaan: -"Nice nice, very nice. -Me likey B)...:)..."
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Makeet kuvat

Jurassic Park 4 juttua
Muun muassa elokuvista Face/Off -ja Jurassic Park III tuttu näyttelijä Alessandro Nivola olisi näillä näkymin palaamassa JP3 hahmonsa rooliin neljänteen Jurassic Park elokuvaan. -Saa nähdä kuinkahan kauan hänkin pysyy listoilla. -Enemmän kuitenkin odotan pääseväni blogaamaan uusista lisäyksistä kuin poistuneista näyttelijöistä.
Hulk bloggin,
Hulk blogging 2012

Music & Lyrics
I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like
Making good conversation
I gotta handle you just right
You know what I mean
I took you to an intimate restaurant
Then to a suggestive movie
There's nothing left to talk about
Unless it's horizontally
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
I've been patient, I've been good
Tried to keep my hands on the table
It's gettin' hard this holdin' back
If you know what I mean
I'm sure you'll understand my point of view
We know each other mentally
You gotta know that you're bringin' out
The animal in me
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get animal, animal
I wanna get animal
Let's get into animal
Let me hear your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like
Making good conversation
I gotta handle you just right
You know what I mean
I took you to an intimate restaurant
Then to a suggestive movie
There's nothing left to talk about
Unless it's horizontally
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
I've been patient, I've been good
Tried to keep my hands on the table
It's gettin' hard this holdin' back
If you know what I mean
I'm sure you'll understand my point of view
We know each other mentally
You gotta know that you're bringin' out
The animal in me
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get animal, animal
I wanna get animal
Let's get into animal
Let me hear your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Hulk bloggin,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

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