keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2012
Halloween typy
No tyttöhän sillä tosiaan kainalossa. -Tollasen kaunottaren kanssa en tosin tuhlaisi aikaa poseeraamassa valokuvissa vaan jyystäisin sitä jossain takahuoneessa.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän typyt

Typy arvoitus
Mitä ihmeen tekemistä räppäri Ice-T:llä on tekemistä päivän typyn kanssa...? -No varmaan poseeraa kaunis typy kainalossaan -voisi olla aika hyvä veikkaus. -Ei muuta kuin ottamaan selvää.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Halloween typymuistutus (itselleni)
Toivottavasti Halloween typy on yhtä kuuma tapaus kuin tämä typymuistutuksen typy. -No sehän on minun (Hulk) tehtävä ottaa selvää.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 10
Zombie Love Song
You don't know me, baby, but I've seen you around.
It might be kind of crazy, but I'm just new in town.
And now I wonder what you'd think if I said, hey look
I'd like to get your number and a link to your Facebook.
Now if I tell you what a nice guy's supposed to
Would that compel you not to scream when I approach you?
You'll have to promise me you'll take this news calmly,
But honestly, I'm sort of a zombie.
I knew you'd be surprised. You can bet that I
May not be alive, but I sure as hell ain't dead inside.
What's with the shotty? I ain't wishing you harm.
You see, I'd try to hold your hand but I'm missing an arm.
Brains are all I've eaten all week it's true,
But if my heart were still beating, it would beat for you.
So let me take you to Wendy's. You deserve it.
Yeah, I'm a zombie, baby. Ain't nobody perfect.
I'll chase you through the yard and all through the house into the dark.
I wanna steal your heart and eat your brains.
I've never been so true, but if my heart were still beating, it would beat for you.
I wanna steal your heart and eat your brains.
Baby, sometimes I bite, and you can bet
That I've got an appetite for human flesh.
I'll always be near though. You'll have to accept that
When I nibble on your earlobe you might get infected.
Cause I fell in love with you and I'm
Undead but you make me feel alive.
And when I chase you through the graveyard
It feels like foreplay.
If I'm lying I'm dying, and I speak truly
When I say I love your mind. I'll take brains over beauty.
We'll be the undead Dagwood and Blondie
When I teach you how to zombie, teach you, teach you how to zombie.
And everybody will love you, and you can sing along
to this post-apocalyptic, postmortem love song.
So give me a chance,girl. You know I'll be worth it.
Yeah, I'm a zombie, baby. Ain't nobody perfect.
I'll chase you through the yard and all through the house into the dark.
I wanna steal your heart and eat your brains.
I've never been so true, but if my heart were still beating, it would beat for you.
I wanna steal your heart and eat your brains.
Brains. Brains. Brains. Brains.
Brains. Brains.
I'll chase you through the yard and all through the house into the dark.
I wanna steal your heart and eat your brains.
I've never been so true, but if my heart were still beating, it would beat for you.
I wanna steal your heart and eat your brains.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

Halloween video
Halloween päivän videona toimii kauhuklassikon Carrie uusintafilmatisoinnin teaser traileri. -Häpeäkseni joudun toteamaan etten leffafriikkina ole vielä nähnyt sitä alkuperäistä Carrie elokuvaa. -Mutta tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Halloween päivän videona toimii kauhuklassikon Carrie uusintafilmatisoinnin teaser traileri. -Häpeäkseni joudun toteamaan etten leffafriikkina ole vielä nähnyt sitä alkuperäistä Carrie elokuvaa. -Mutta tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän videot

Halloween (päivän) kuva
Halloween (päivän) kuvana toimii photoshopilla ite muokkaamani kuva -joka on myös Facebookissa uusi profiilikuva. -Muokkasin itselleni tollaset Dracula-hampaat. -Eikun mitä oikein höpisen -hampaathan on aidot ja tausta on tummennettu photoshopilla. -No eeei -kyllä hampaitakin on käsitelty. -Valkaisin ne photoshopilla :D...:p...:)...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän kuvat

Halloween makee kuva
Halloween makeena kuvana toimii tollanen über makee Predator Halloweenkurpitsa. -Kyllähän tollasen kelpais asettaa koristeeksi kotioven eteen.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Makeet kuvat

Halloween liikkuva kuva
Halloween liikkuvana kuvana toimii tollanen tanssiva Homer Simpson ja lattialla oudosti hytkyvä Halloweenkurpitsa.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN 8)...=)...:saint:...:)...!!!!
Yeah -tänään on sitten Halloween -ja täällä MatoApinassahan se tarkoittaa sitä että olisi taas tuttuun tapaan tulossa Halloween teemaiset blogaukset. -Seuraavin otsikoin...
- Halloween liikkuva kuva
- Halloween makee kuva
- Halloween (päivän) kuva
- Halloween video
- Your Favorite Martian: Music and Lyrics Nro 10
- Halloween typymuistutus (itselleni)
- Typy arvoitus
- Halloween typy
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2012
Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 4
Secret of the Wings -Helinä-keiju ja siipien salaisuus
Aina ei Hollywoodkaan levitä parastaan markkinoille -ja tässä on hyvä esimerkki Hollywoodin paskatuotannosta. -Peter Panista tuttu Helinä-keiju omassa leffassaan -hyi olkoon. -Ja vieläpä tollasena rumana tietokoneanimaationa. -Olis ny edes tehny Pixar-leffana ton..., mutta ei. -Pixarilta sentään ilmestyy ihan hyviä animaatioleffoja. -Mutta tälle tosiaan se -"ei kiitos". -Raiskattu klassikkohahmo.
Aina ei Hollywoodkaan levitä parastaan markkinoille -ja tässä on hyvä esimerkki Hollywoodin paskatuotannosta. -Peter Panista tuttu Helinä-keiju omassa leffassaan -hyi olkoon. -Ja vieläpä tollasena rumana tietokoneanimaationa. -Olis ny edes tehny Pixar-leffana ton..., mutta ei. -Pixarilta sentään ilmestyy ihan hyviä animaatioleffoja. -Mutta tälle tosiaan se -"ei kiitos". -Raiskattu klassikkohahmo.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 3
Edellä esitelty kauhuleffa saa siirtyä huomiseksi mentäväksi sillä tänään olisi tarkoitus mennä katsomaan uusinta Bond-leffaa -Skyfall. -Tän viikonlopun aikana voisi katsoa myös uudestaan Daniel Craigin edelliset Bond-leffat -jotka olisi kyllä pitänyt katsoa tuoreeseen muistiin ennen tämän uuden näkemistä..., mutta kaipa ne jälkeenpäinkin voi katsoa.
Edellä esitelty kauhuleffa saa siirtyä huomiseksi mentäväksi sillä tänään olisi tarkoitus mennä katsomaan uusinta Bond-leffaa -Skyfall. -Tän viikonlopun aikana voisi katsoa myös uudestaan Daniel Craigin edelliset Bond-leffat -jotka olisi kyllä pitänyt katsoa tuoreeseen muistiin ennen tämän uuden näkemistä..., mutta kaipa ne jälkeenpäinkin voi katsoa.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 2
Tämä kyllä kiinnostaa ja tätä voisikin tän viikonlopun aikana harkita. -Tänään ei kuitenkaan onnistu sillä tiedossa olisi eräs toinen leffa -joka myös tuli tänään ensi-iltaan. -Mutta siitä sitten enempi omassa esittelyssään.
Tämä kyllä kiinnostaa ja tätä voisikin tän viikonlopun aikana harkita. -Tänään ei kuitenkaan onnistu sillä tiedossa olisi eräs toinen leffa -joka myös tuli tänään ensi-iltaan. -Mutta siitä sitten enempi omassa esittelyssään.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 1
Vaikka noi on lyhytelokuvia -eli kärsimystä ei kestäisi pitkään -en taida silti mennä kattomaan kumpaakaan noista. -Luulisin että nukahtaisin jopa siinä lyhyessä ajassa mitä noi leffat kestävät. -Joten -"ei kiitos" -vaan ja etiä päin esittelyissä.
Vaikka noi on lyhytelokuvia -eli kärsimystä ei kestäisi pitkään -en taida silti mennä kattomaan kumpaakaan noista. -Luulisin että nukahtaisin jopa siinä lyhyessä ajassa mitä noi leffat kestävät. -Joten -"ei kiitos" -vaan ja etiä päin esittelyissä.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Päivän video
Lokakuun 5. päivä esitin päivän videoissa teaser trailerin elokuvasta A Good Day to Die Hard -ja nyt olisi sitten luvassa uusi -hieman pidempi traileri elokuvasta. -Ei voi muuta todeta kuin -yippee ki-yay mother F... -Upealta näyttää -can't wait. -Tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän videot

Kuin kaksi marjaa
Haha :D.. -Hehän ovat kuin kaksi marjaa -YouTubesta tuttu -"crazy girlfriend" -ja animaatioelokuvan -Hotel Transylvania hahmo -Mavis. -Noi silmät ja toi hymy.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Kuin kaksi marjaa

torstai 25. lokakuuta 2012
Tänään telkusta: MTV3: 6. päivä + Nelonen: Con Air
Tänään tulee peräti kaksi laatuleffaa telkkarista. -MTV3 kanavalta klo 23:05 alkaa Arnold Schwarzeneggerin tähdittämä tieteisseikkailu 6. päivä. -Tässä sen kuvaus Telkku.comista -olkaa hyvät...
Tieteisjännäri helikopterilentäjä Adam Gibsonista (Arnold Schwarzenegger), joka palaa eräänä päivänä kotiin ja huomaa, että siellä onkin hänen sijallaan hänen klooninsa. Adam on kloonattu vahingossa, koska vaikutusvaltaisen teollisuusjohtajan kuolema täytyy salata. Ihmisen kloonaaminen on kuitenkin lainvastaista ja pian Adamilla on perässään tappajat, joiden tarkoitus on tuhota todisteet mistään rikoksista. Ohjaaja: Roger Spottiswoode, USA, 2001. (119') Pääosissa: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Goldwyn, Michael Rapaport, Michael Rooker, Sarah Wynter, Wendy Crewson, Rod Rowland, Terry Crews, Ken Pogue, Colin Cunningham, Robert Duvall.
Jeppistä jepulis. -On kyllä mainio leffa tuo noin..., mutta kerran löytyy DVD-kokoelmista -taidan mieluummin katsoa sen uudestaan sitten DVD:ltä. -Sitten illan toiseen leffaan joka alkaa Neloselta pari tuntia aikasemmin.
Nimittäin Nicolas Cagen tähdittämä upea vanki toimintaleffa -Con Air -Lento vapauteen -joka myöskin löytyy DVD-kokoelmista -jonka siis myös jätän väliin telkkarista sen tähden. -Mutta tässä vielä leffan kuvaus Telkku.comista -olkaa hyvät...
Nicolas Cage esittää pääosaa toimintatrillerissä, jossa joukko vaarallisia vankeja on tarkoitus siirtää uuteen, huipputurvalliseen vankilaan. Juuri vapautettu Cameron saa kyydin samalla Con Air -lennolla. Elinkautisvanki Cyrus uhkaa romuttaa omilla kaappaussuunnitelmillaan Cameronin haaveet vaimonsa ja tyttärensä näkemisestä. Seriffi Vince Larkin tuntee olevansa mahdottoman tehtävän edessä: hän yrittää estää kaappauksen ja hillitä esimiehiään räjäyttämästä konetta taivaan tuuliin. Cameronin ja Larkinin on yhdessä taisteltava Cyruksen pysäyttämiseksi. Pääosissa: Nicolas Cage, Monica Potter, John Malkovich, John Cusack, Steve Buscemi. Ohjaus: Simon West. (110')
Mainiota leffailtaa niille jotka meinaa kattoa jomman kumman noista telkkarista.
Tieteisjännäri helikopterilentäjä Adam Gibsonista (Arnold Schwarzenegger), joka palaa eräänä päivänä kotiin ja huomaa, että siellä onkin hänen sijallaan hänen klooninsa. Adam on kloonattu vahingossa, koska vaikutusvaltaisen teollisuusjohtajan kuolema täytyy salata. Ihmisen kloonaaminen on kuitenkin lainvastaista ja pian Adamilla on perässään tappajat, joiden tarkoitus on tuhota todisteet mistään rikoksista. Ohjaaja: Roger Spottiswoode, USA, 2001. (119') Pääosissa: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Goldwyn, Michael Rapaport, Michael Rooker, Sarah Wynter, Wendy Crewson, Rod Rowland, Terry Crews, Ken Pogue, Colin Cunningham, Robert Duvall.
Jeppistä jepulis. -On kyllä mainio leffa tuo noin..., mutta kerran löytyy DVD-kokoelmista -taidan mieluummin katsoa sen uudestaan sitten DVD:ltä. -Sitten illan toiseen leffaan joka alkaa Neloselta pari tuntia aikasemmin.
Nimittäin Nicolas Cagen tähdittämä upea vanki toimintaleffa -Con Air -Lento vapauteen -joka myöskin löytyy DVD-kokoelmista -jonka siis myös jätän väliin telkkarista sen tähden. -Mutta tässä vielä leffan kuvaus Telkku.comista -olkaa hyvät...
Nicolas Cage esittää pääosaa toimintatrillerissä, jossa joukko vaarallisia vankeja on tarkoitus siirtää uuteen, huipputurvalliseen vankilaan. Juuri vapautettu Cameron saa kyydin samalla Con Air -lennolla. Elinkautisvanki Cyrus uhkaa romuttaa omilla kaappaussuunnitelmillaan Cameronin haaveet vaimonsa ja tyttärensä näkemisestä. Seriffi Vince Larkin tuntee olevansa mahdottoman tehtävän edessä: hän yrittää estää kaappauksen ja hillitä esimiehiään räjäyttämästä konetta taivaan tuuliin. Cameronin ja Larkinin on yhdessä taisteltava Cyruksen pysäyttämiseksi. Pääosissa: Nicolas Cage, Monica Potter, John Malkovich, John Cusack, Steve Buscemi. Ohjaus: Simon West. (110')
Mainiota leffailtaa niille jotka meinaa kattoa jomman kumman noista telkkarista.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,

Päivän video
Tää pitäisi melkein blogaista päivän "Halloween" videona..., mutta jaksaako sitä odottaa 31. päivään asti...? -Nääh -keksin jonkun muun Halloween aiheisen päivän videon. -Elikkä tässä siis Evil Dead uusintafilmatisoinnin traileri -olkaa hyvät...
Ihan kivaltahan tuo näyttää =)...:saint:...:)...
Ihan kivaltahan tuo näyttää =)...:saint:...:)...
Uusin South Park jakso tuli katsottua
Uusimmassa South Park jaksossa ollaan jo Halloween tunnelmissa. -Taas kerran hauska jakso luvassa. -Enpä kerro mistä leffasta jaksossa tehdään pilaa. -Ei ainakaan Avengereista -vaikka pojat ovatkin pukeutuneet niiksi.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

keskiviikko 24. lokakuuta 2012
Päivän video
Iron Man 3
Jees box 8)...:saint:..=)...:)... -Vihdoinkin se on täällä -kolmannen Iron Man elokuvan traileri. -Aika totinen traileri verrattuna kahden ensimmäisen Iron Man leffan trailereihin -joissa oli huumoriakin mukana. -Tää puolestaan antaa aika synkän kuvan elokuvasta. -Mutta silti upea traileri ja TOD houkuttaa nähdä leffa sen perusteella. -Tässä upea video -olkaa hyvät...
Jees box 8)...:saint:..=)...:)... -Vihdoinkin se on täällä -kolmannen Iron Man elokuvan traileri. -Aika totinen traileri verrattuna kahden ensimmäisen Iron Man leffan trailereihin -joissa oli huumoriakin mukana. -Tää puolestaan antaa aika synkän kuvan elokuvasta. -Mutta silti upea traileri ja TOD houkuttaa nähdä leffa sen perusteella. -Tässä upea video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän videot

Next Ur Favrit Martian until Halloween
Kymmenes ja viimeinen Your Favorite Martian video on zombie teemainen -joten sopii mainiosti päivän Halloween music and lyrics blogaukseksi --jotenka tänään sitten musavideo lyriikoineen tulematta. -Until Halloween then. -Kymmenen on hyvä luku lopettaa.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2012
Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 9
Fight To Win
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're kickin' ass now)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We bring the house down)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We crush our enemies)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight to win
(We bringin' to their knees)
I step in the arena
I get my knuckles crackin'
I try to keep it clean
But who knows what could happen
I see a long row, an ensemble
Of the best fighters from a combo of consoles
First came Ryu, a guy who cries (Hadouken!)
As he tries to fight you
I decked the dude in his chest
Just before I shocked Blanka
When I kicked the fool directly in his testicles
Sub-Zero felt the need to freeze me
Exsqueeze me?
That's cheesy
His ass left bleeding
I Falcon Punched Captain Falcon
Just as I Super Smashed Mario up in his mustache
Panda gets up in my face and I'm thinking
That I'ma have to beat him
'Til he's pleadin' for extinction
Leavin' knuckle imprints on his eyelids
And I ain't sayin' video games make me violet
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're kickin' ass now)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We bring the house down)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We crush our enemies)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight to win
(We bringin' to their knees)
C-c-c-c-combo breaker!
Awww. I think I'm hit bad
Life bar almost depleted
Tag and I'm glad that you passed it to me
Which one of the cowards
Wanna bring the beef?
If you wanna harm me, better bring an army
Step in my way and I'm smashing your feet
Throw the knife. Pass it to me
I'ma slash Jin down to the white meat
Then I'm calling out Ken
(Let's take it to the streets)
Then I'm breaking his back and I'm breaking his teeth
And my Chun-Li kick gotcha taking a seat
Kasumi did I catch you at a bad time?
You can try to run but your ass mine
Now that her ass is dying over there
I'm goin' after Kuma the Bear
Beat ya 'till you look like Yogi the Bear
Using my bare hands holding your hair
Where Scorpion at?
I'ma cause him harm
Death to Ayane though she a bomb
Hit her with a bomb
Whole lot of bombs
Bombs she the bomb
Bomb bomb bomb bomb
Heihachi came from Tekken trying to step into the game
But I couldn't pronounce his name
So I put my weapon through his chest frame
Ripped out Lizardman's tongue
He's dumb with silence
And I ain't saying video games make me violent
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're kickin' ass now)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We bring the house down)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We crush our enemies)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight to win
(We bringin' to their knees)
Ain't nothing like whippin' your ass (whippin' your ass)
'Cause I love whippin' your ass (I love ass)
Ain't nothing like whippin' your ass (whippin' your ass)
'Cause I love whippin' your,
I step back to the arena bringin' death
Who doubted me?
I'm ripping out Nightmare's spine (Fatality!)
The crowd cheers, shocked then silent
I ain't sayin' video games make me violent
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're using cheat codes)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(Our thumbs are bleeding now!)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're stuck up in our rooms!)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight to win
(We never rage quit!)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're kickin' ass now)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We bring the house down)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We crush our enemies)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight to win
(We bringin' to their knees)
I step in the arena
I get my knuckles crackin'
I try to keep it clean
But who knows what could happen
I see a long row, an ensemble
Of the best fighters from a combo of consoles
First came Ryu, a guy who cries (Hadouken!)
As he tries to fight you
I decked the dude in his chest
Just before I shocked Blanka
When I kicked the fool directly in his testicles
Sub-Zero felt the need to freeze me
Exsqueeze me?
That's cheesy
His ass left bleeding
I Falcon Punched Captain Falcon
Just as I Super Smashed Mario up in his mustache
Panda gets up in my face and I'm thinking
That I'ma have to beat him
'Til he's pleadin' for extinction
Leavin' knuckle imprints on his eyelids
And I ain't sayin' video games make me violet
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're kickin' ass now)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We bring the house down)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We crush our enemies)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight to win
(We bringin' to their knees)
C-c-c-c-combo breaker!
Awww. I think I'm hit bad
Life bar almost depleted
Tag and I'm glad that you passed it to me
Which one of the cowards
Wanna bring the beef?
If you wanna harm me, better bring an army
Step in my way and I'm smashing your feet
Throw the knife. Pass it to me
I'ma slash Jin down to the white meat
Then I'm calling out Ken
(Let's take it to the streets)
Then I'm breaking his back and I'm breaking his teeth
And my Chun-Li kick gotcha taking a seat
Kasumi did I catch you at a bad time?
You can try to run but your ass mine
Now that her ass is dying over there
I'm goin' after Kuma the Bear
Beat ya 'till you look like Yogi the Bear
Using my bare hands holding your hair
Where Scorpion at?
I'ma cause him harm
Death to Ayane though she a bomb
Hit her with a bomb
Whole lot of bombs
Bombs she the bomb
Bomb bomb bomb bomb
Heihachi came from Tekken trying to step into the game
But I couldn't pronounce his name
So I put my weapon through his chest frame
Ripped out Lizardman's tongue
He's dumb with silence
And I ain't saying video games make me violent
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're kickin' ass now)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We bring the house down)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We crush our enemies)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight to win
(We bringin' to their knees)
Ain't nothing like whippin' your ass (whippin' your ass)
'Cause I love whippin' your ass (I love ass)
Ain't nothing like whippin' your ass (whippin' your ass)
'Cause I love whippin' your,
I step back to the arena bringin' death
Who doubted me?
I'm ripping out Nightmare's spine (Fatality!)
The crowd cheers, shocked then silent
I ain't sayin' video games make me violent
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're using cheat codes)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(Our thumbs are bleeding now!)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight fight to win
(We're stuck up in our rooms!)
Every day day and every night night
I am gonna fight fight to win
(We never rage quit!)
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

maanantai 22. lokakuuta 2012
Päivän typy
No maastohousuthan sillä -ja käsiase kans..., mutta huomio kiinnittyy kyllä jonnekin aivan muualle. -Tollasia typyjä jos olisi armejassa -niin värväytyisin vaikka olisi mitä lääketieteellisesti todettuja estoja.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän typyt

Typy arvoitus
Mitä tekemistä maastohousuilla ja käsiaseella on päivän typyn kanssa...? -No jaa-a. -Voisiko typyllä esim. olla yllään maastohousut -ja kädessään käsiase...? -Eiköhän oteta selvää...?
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 8
Tig Ol' Bitties
It was the first day back to school
Cuttin' up in class
Acting like a tool
Friends are rollin' in
We started talkin' about the summer
Dj Saw "twilight"
I spoke up and asked my friends
Are there any new girls? 9's or 10's?
Hopin a few hotties had move from other cities
And in walked this girl with tig ole' bitties
I can't believe my eyes
In a contest they's win first prize
Double d guarantee I was checkin' their size
It's like two beach ball in shirt disguise
Or earth and mars havin some fun
Wait I take that back it's like two of the suns
But at this point I let my mind run
And drifted it off thinkin about them tig ole' bitties
Tig ole' bitties
Mt.fugi brought it's twins
Tig ole' bitties
Two melons in a shirt
Tig ole' bitties
I put books in my lap
Tig ole' bitties
Head bobbin as she walks
Tig ole' bitties
Oh my god!
Tig ole' bitties
Tig ole' bittes ( repeated several times ]
Kept trippin' in class
Because of her dang breast in a tiny white shirt
Boobs having a fiesta
Later in lab we were messin' with test tubes
Could'nt take my eyes off the new girl chest
Wasn't paying attention
Got busted
Had to serve detention
In biology we talked about bee's
The best kind of bee's...
I can't believe my mind
I hold a poker face to her two of a kind
With each step her breast gettin' redefined
I'm making my move
I'm thinkin' it's time
Oh snap!
I'm gonna ask her to prom
And in my head she responds
" your the bomb "
Feeling nervous so I could to three
" I like your boobs "
" go to prom with me? "
Tig ole' bitties
King kong boobs
Tig ole' bitties
Great tracks of land
Tig ole' bitties
Like my balls
Tig ole' bitties
Real big
Tig ole' bitties
Oh my god!
Tig ole' bitties
Tig ole' bitties ( repeated several times ]
She said yes so I'm getting ready
Stain on my shirt
Mom's spaghetti
I picked her up and I'm pretty sure
That she'll let me motor boat like
I try to cop a feel once we got to school
She said " no touching. that's the rule "
Principle walks up on the scene
"its time to announce proms queen and king"
"your favorite martain man and tig ole' bitties"
"congratulation to you both on winning"
Time slowed down and she jumped for joy
Then out of her dressed jumped something more
Tissues flew and rain from the sky
You stuffed your shirt
Your favorite martian in a world of hurt
Fake ole' bitties
Fake ole' bitties
You breakin my heart with
Fake ole' bitties
You're crushin my dreams with
Fake ole' bitties
I can't believable it
Fake ole' bitties
You really suck
Fake ole' bitties
I can't believe you would do that
Fake ole' bitties
It was the first day back to school
Cuttin' up in class
Acting like a tool
Friends are rollin' in
We started talkin' about the summer
Dj Saw "twilight"
I spoke up and asked my friends
Are there any new girls? 9's or 10's?
Hopin a few hotties had move from other cities
And in walked this girl with tig ole' bitties
I can't believe my eyes
In a contest they's win first prize
Double d guarantee I was checkin' their size
It's like two beach ball in shirt disguise
Or earth and mars havin some fun
Wait I take that back it's like two of the suns
But at this point I let my mind run
And drifted it off thinkin about them tig ole' bitties
Tig ole' bitties
Mt.fugi brought it's twins
Tig ole' bitties
Two melons in a shirt
Tig ole' bitties
I put books in my lap
Tig ole' bitties
Head bobbin as she walks
Tig ole' bitties
Oh my god!
Tig ole' bitties
Tig ole' bittes ( repeated several times ]
Kept trippin' in class
Because of her dang breast in a tiny white shirt
Boobs having a fiesta
Later in lab we were messin' with test tubes
Could'nt take my eyes off the new girl chest
Wasn't paying attention
Got busted
Had to serve detention
In biology we talked about bee's
The best kind of bee's...
I can't believe my mind
I hold a poker face to her two of a kind
With each step her breast gettin' redefined
I'm making my move
I'm thinkin' it's time
Oh snap!
I'm gonna ask her to prom
And in my head she responds
" your the bomb "
Feeling nervous so I could to three
" I like your boobs "
" go to prom with me? "
Tig ole' bitties
King kong boobs
Tig ole' bitties
Great tracks of land
Tig ole' bitties
Like my balls
Tig ole' bitties
Real big
Tig ole' bitties
Oh my god!
Tig ole' bitties
Tig ole' bitties ( repeated several times ]
She said yes so I'm getting ready
Stain on my shirt
Mom's spaghetti
I picked her up and I'm pretty sure
That she'll let me motor boat like
I try to cop a feel once we got to school
She said " no touching. that's the rule "
Principle walks up on the scene
"its time to announce proms queen and king"
"your favorite martain man and tig ole' bitties"
"congratulation to you both on winning"
Time slowed down and she jumped for joy
Then out of her dressed jumped something more
Tissues flew and rain from the sky
You stuffed your shirt
Your favorite martian in a world of hurt
Fake ole' bitties
Fake ole' bitties
You breakin my heart with
Fake ole' bitties
You're crushin my dreams with
Fake ole' bitties
I can't believable it
Fake ole' bitties
You really suck
Fake ole' bitties
I can't believe you would do that
Fake ole' bitties
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

Päivän TV-tunnari
Päivän TV-tunnareissa kuullaan tänään komediasarja -Joeyn tunnusmusiikkia. -Tunnarista vastaa Transcenders niminen triio. -Tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Päivän leffamusa
Päivän leffamusiikeissa kuullaan tänään toimintatrillerin -Blood Diamond tunnusmusiikkia. -Sävellyksestä vastaa blogissamme useaan otteeseen jo aijemmin esiintynyt säveltäjä James Newton Howard. -Tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän leffamusa

sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2012
Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 7
Bottles of Beer
I was chilling with my BUD, SAM ADAMS.
We get a call from MILLER. The man was having spasms.
And he said, "dude get dressed. There's not a chance in hell
That we could miss this keg party up in SAN MIGUEL."
"Do I have to go out, dude?"
"No but that Mexican chick CORONA'S there,
And she's been asking about you."
I hung up the phone. It's time to get dressed, I
Put on my MAGIC HAT and my shirt with the RED STRIPE.
We hit a BUSCH dodging traffic as we passed by 'em
In that KILLIAN'S RED charger with the FAT TIRE(s).
We drove around for like half the night.
Luckily the BLUE MOON provided NATURAL LIGHT.
We rolled up to the party, errybody was rockin',
Playing BECK'S old single on that iPod dock and
That's where it's at. My ears were all ringing.
The party crowd was getting loud, and everyone was all singing:
99 bottles of beer on the wall
99 bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
Now everyone was crammed in the basement, wasted
Even ASAHI, that foreign exchange kid.
He was just in KINGFISHER, wreckin' his Vette
Like "automobile, big leck!"
I poured myself a brew and drank half the glass
This ugly MOOSEHEAD chick kept grabbing my ass.
I told that ugly HARP that she could go to hella
And then I saw CORONA, and she was looking STE-STE-STELLA.
And down to have some fun, she
Was still a freshman, a YUENGLING with a tongue-ring.
The alcohol was all clouding my thinking,
So I slapped her on the HEINE-KEN I get you a drink? And
She said, "ha! You're totally cute.
Find More lyrics at
"If you fetch me a beer, I'll let you touch my boob."
Hell yeah, I went to get her a drink, then
The party started moving, and everybody started singing:
99 bottles of beer on the wall.
99 bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
CORONA'S ex-boyfriend started talking to me
His FOSTERS parents nicknamed him MILWAUKEE'S BEaST.
'Cause dude was big enough that he could tackle the world.
He was like Hey Broski, you're jacking my girl.
I should bust your SKOL. You look like a queer, I'm
Gonna challenge you to a game of beer pong.
OF COURSE! Challenge accepted.
You can call me guinness,'cause Im tallin the record.
Beer pong's my game, and with my shoulder cocked
I bounced that ball in the cup like a ROLLING ROCK.
We played for a while, and I was wooing them when
I showed everyone who'd win the BLUE RIBBON... PABST
And CORONA was like, wow!
You can totally touch my boob now.
Or maybe a king with my CORONA
In my NEW CASTLE, and everybody started singing:
99 bottles of beer on the wall.
99 bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
I was chilling with my BUD, SAM ADAMS.
We get a call from MILLER. The man was having spasms.
And he said, "dude get dressed. There's not a chance in hell
That we could miss this keg party up in SAN MIGUEL."
"Do I have to go out, dude?"
"No but that Mexican chick CORONA'S there,
And she's been asking about you."
I hung up the phone. It's time to get dressed, I
Put on my MAGIC HAT and my shirt with the RED STRIPE.
We hit a BUSCH dodging traffic as we passed by 'em
In that KILLIAN'S RED charger with the FAT TIRE(s).
We drove around for like half the night.
Luckily the BLUE MOON provided NATURAL LIGHT.
We rolled up to the party, errybody was rockin',
Playing BECK'S old single on that iPod dock and
That's where it's at. My ears were all ringing.
The party crowd was getting loud, and everyone was all singing:
99 bottles of beer on the wall
99 bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
Now everyone was crammed in the basement, wasted
Even ASAHI, that foreign exchange kid.
He was just in KINGFISHER, wreckin' his Vette
Like "automobile, big leck!"
I poured myself a brew and drank half the glass
This ugly MOOSEHEAD chick kept grabbing my ass.
I told that ugly HARP that she could go to hella
And then I saw CORONA, and she was looking STE-STE-STELLA.
And down to have some fun, she
Was still a freshman, a YUENGLING with a tongue-ring.
The alcohol was all clouding my thinking,
So I slapped her on the HEINE-KEN I get you a drink? And
She said, "ha! You're totally cute.
Find More lyrics at
"If you fetch me a beer, I'll let you touch my boob."
Hell yeah, I went to get her a drink, then
The party started moving, and everybody started singing:
99 bottles of beer on the wall.
99 bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
CORONA'S ex-boyfriend started talking to me
His FOSTERS parents nicknamed him MILWAUKEE'S BEaST.
'Cause dude was big enough that he could tackle the world.
He was like Hey Broski, you're jacking my girl.
I should bust your SKOL. You look like a queer, I'm
Gonna challenge you to a game of beer pong.
OF COURSE! Challenge accepted.
You can call me guinness,'cause Im tallin the record.
Beer pong's my game, and with my shoulder cocked
I bounced that ball in the cup like a ROLLING ROCK.
We played for a while, and I was wooing them when
I showed everyone who'd win the BLUE RIBBON... PABST
And CORONA was like, wow!
You can totally touch my boob now.
Or maybe a king with my CORONA
In my NEW CASTLE, and everybody started singing:
99 bottles of beer on the wall.
99 bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

lauantai 20. lokakuuta 2012
Päivän makee kuva + video
Idea tohon pelimusaan lähti Facebookissa törmäämäni linkin kautta missä mainostettiin uutta Simcity peliä. -Yllä päivän makeena kuvana toimiva kuva pelistä -ja päivän videona toimii pelin traileri. -Tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Makeet kuvat,
Päivän videot

Päivän pelimusa
Piitkästä pitkästä aikaan päivän pelimusaa. -Pelimusiikeissa kuullaan tänään Simcity 3000 pelin tunnusmusiikkia. -Ssävellyksestä vastaa säveltäjä Jerry Martin. -Tässä video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän pelimusa

Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 6
Mr. Douchebag
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
Hey Mr. DoucheBag, why's your ego so massive?
You know it's 2 AM and it's dark outside.
You don't need those sunglasses.
Yeah we all remember that hot chick
You hooked up with once
Cause you went on to brag about it for months and months.
Yeah we all get that you think it's impressive
But ain't nobody impressed with how much you're bench pressing.
Buying Smirnoff Ice for girls half your age,
Telling all your douchebag friends that you "still got game."
Dear Mr. DoucheBag.
We all agree that you are a dumbass.
Why can't you see that!
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
Dear Mr. DoucheBag
Do you find it necessary to shout into your Bluetooth
Or boast about high school rugby
"And I would have went pro if it weren't for my bum knee".
And why you got to complain every single time you're not getting laid.
You douchebags are a lot of the same.
"Dude let's go. This place is full of grenades"
Always trying to look cool, like it's a full time career.
That's why your Facebook pic shows you chugging a beer.
Got your gold chain and your wife-beater on
So you can fist pump your way to the tanning salon.
Dear Mr. DoucheBag.
We all agree that you are a dumbass.
Why can't you see that!
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
Inconsiderate, ignorant
You drink you get belligerent,
You think anybody finds you amusing?
No, no, no. Not even a little bit.
You always find a way to stop all the fun
Like, when you scream "party foul" at the top of your lungs.
Dear Mr. DoucheBag,
I caught you bragging again.
Trust me man, nobody gives a damn what frat you were in.
You claim you hang with celebrities when you don't know any at all.
"But dude I'm totally banging George Clooney's sister in law."
No you're not – come on.
Dear Mr. DoucheBag.
We all agree that you are a dumbass.
Why can't you see that!
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
Hitting on other girls when yours is in the room.
You're a douchebag do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag
Walking in the club grabbing all on your junk.
You're a douchebag do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag
Refusing to let go when she says no.
You're a douchebag do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag
Cut me off in traffic then flipping me the bird
You're a douchebag do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag
"Dude it's George Clooney's sister in law, I swear,
Come on where the hell is my protein shake? "
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
Hey Mr. DoucheBag, why's your ego so massive?
You know it's 2 AM and it's dark outside.
You don't need those sunglasses.
Yeah we all remember that hot chick
You hooked up with once
Cause you went on to brag about it for months and months.
Yeah we all get that you think it's impressive
But ain't nobody impressed with how much you're bench pressing.
Buying Smirnoff Ice for girls half your age,
Telling all your douchebag friends that you "still got game."
Dear Mr. DoucheBag.
We all agree that you are a dumbass.
Why can't you see that!
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
Dear Mr. DoucheBag
Do you find it necessary to shout into your Bluetooth
Or boast about high school rugby
"And I would have went pro if it weren't for my bum knee".
And why you got to complain every single time you're not getting laid.
You douchebags are a lot of the same.
"Dude let's go. This place is full of grenades"
Always trying to look cool, like it's a full time career.
That's why your Facebook pic shows you chugging a beer.
Got your gold chain and your wife-beater on
So you can fist pump your way to the tanning salon.
Dear Mr. DoucheBag.
We all agree that you are a dumbass.
Why can't you see that!
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
Inconsiderate, ignorant
You drink you get belligerent,
You think anybody finds you amusing?
No, no, no. Not even a little bit.
You always find a way to stop all the fun
Like, when you scream "party foul" at the top of your lungs.
Dear Mr. DoucheBag,
I caught you bragging again.
Trust me man, nobody gives a damn what frat you were in.
You claim you hang with celebrities when you don't know any at all.
"But dude I'm totally banging George Clooney's sister in law."
No you're not – come on.
Dear Mr. DoucheBag.
We all agree that you are a dumbass.
Why can't you see that!
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
You're a douchebag, do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag.
Hitting on other girls when yours is in the room.
You're a douchebag do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag
Walking in the club grabbing all on your junk.
You're a douchebag do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag
Refusing to let go when she says no.
You're a douchebag do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag
Cut me off in traffic then flipping me the bird
You're a douchebag do-douchebag do-do-do-do-do-douchebag
"Dude it's George Clooney's sister in law, I swear,
Come on where the hell is my protein shake? "
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012
Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 3
Paranormal Activity 4
Tää ei suinkaan ole vielä se mihin olisin käyttänyt ne -"ei kiitos" -ja 100% -kuvat -vaan täähän TOD kiinnostaa nähdä -ja tänään ajattelinkin mennä tota kattomaan. -Eilen tuli katsottua kolmas Paranormal Activity tuoreeseen muistiin. -Ihan en jaksanut kaikkia kolmea edellistä -vaikka sekin ajatus kävi mielessä.
Tää ei suinkaan ole vielä se mihin olisin käyttänyt ne -"ei kiitos" -ja 100% -kuvat -vaan täähän TOD kiinnostaa nähdä -ja tänään ajattelinkin mennä tota kattomaan. -Eilen tuli katsottua kolmas Paranormal Activity tuoreeseen muistiin. -Ihan en jaksanut kaikkia kolmea edellistä -vaikka sekin ajatus kävi mielessä.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 2
Kaksi tarinaa rakkaudesta
Ymm -ööh. -Tää ansaitsis melkein suoraan pelkät -"ei kiitos" -ja 100% -kuvat..., mutta ensi-illoissa olisi vielä toinenkin yhtä ei kiinnostava leffa luvassa -joten säästän kuvia siihen. -Mutta tälle tosiaan -"ei kiitos" -ja... -niin.
Ymm -ööh. -Tää ansaitsis melkein suoraan pelkät -"ei kiitos" -ja 100% -kuvat..., mutta ensi-illoissa olisi vielä toinenkin yhtä ei kiinnostava leffa luvassa -joten säästän kuvia siihen. -Mutta tälle tosiaan -"ei kiitos" -ja... -niin.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 1
Albert Nobbs
Kiinnostaako vaiko ei kiinnosta...? -Ei kiinnosta. -Nainen joka tekeytyy mieheksi saadakseen töitä -ei oikein kuulosta houkuttelevalta tarinalta seurata. -Joten -"ei kiitos" -tälläkertaa.
Kiinnostaako vaiko ei kiinnosta...? -Ei kiinnosta. -Nainen joka tekeytyy mieheksi saadakseen töitä -ei oikein kuulosta houkuttelevalta tarinalta seurata. -Joten -"ei kiitos" -tälläkertaa.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 6
"Club Villain"
It was a Friday night and I wanted to go out to a brand new club in town,
a discotheque I'd heard about through a friend of mine, who told me the place was a circus act for sure,
and then we rolled up and saw Koopa working at the door!
He waved us in and we randomly met the Mr. Hannibal Lector; he was handling records in the DJ booth,
asking which was the best selection to make an impression on the Wicked Witch of the West.
And the Witch was booty-dancin' with Manson and Gannon, right next to Side Show Bob being shot from Blackbeard's cannon.
That's when I knew that tonight I'd be chillin' up in the dance club, partying with all these villains.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying, partying, partying.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying with all these villains.
All these villains. All these villains. All these villains. All these villains.
Catwoman and Harley Quinn, I swear I saw those hoes kiss, I laughed at Jason Voorhees rockin' glowsticks.
And Dr. Octopus was also getting physical with Ursula; the two were making out and touching tentacles.
Then Voldemort greeted Vader with a fist pound; they were checking out Mystique's ass next to Chris Brown.
CHRIS BROWN??? Somebody needs to throw that guy out of the club, seriously!
And Megatron, he was getting it on, he was drawing a crowd, and they were calling out loud like:
"Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go! Go! Go! Go!"
I looked up and saw Venom doing Jager Bombs on the ceiling. That's when I knew that I'd be partying with all these villains.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying, partying, partying.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying with all these villains.
All these villains. All these villains. All these villains. All these villains.
That's when I saw her there, from across the room: Poison Ivy doing Jell-o shots with Dr. Doom.
Like the Eye of Sauron, I couldn't look away. And she was with some Joker - the dude was probably gay.
And Patrick Bateman passed us shots of vodka, me and Jabba tossed them back like "Oooga chaca!"
I pushed Elmer Fudd out of the way, so that I could get closer, and I don't mean to be a Predator, but I got to get at her.
Freddy used his claws to open up chardonnay, I grabbed a glass and walked up to her like "Yo, pardon me."
I took her home, and she and I spent the night chillin' up in the bedroom partying with one hot-ass villain.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying, partying, partying.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying with all these villains.
All these villains. All these villains. All these villains. All these villains.
It was a Friday night and I wanted to go out to a brand new club in town,
a discotheque I'd heard about through a friend of mine, who told me the place was a circus act for sure,
and then we rolled up and saw Koopa working at the door!
He waved us in and we randomly met the Mr. Hannibal Lector; he was handling records in the DJ booth,
asking which was the best selection to make an impression on the Wicked Witch of the West.
And the Witch was booty-dancin' with Manson and Gannon, right next to Side Show Bob being shot from Blackbeard's cannon.
That's when I knew that tonight I'd be chillin' up in the dance club, partying with all these villains.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying, partying, partying.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying with all these villains.
All these villains. All these villains. All these villains. All these villains.
Catwoman and Harley Quinn, I swear I saw those hoes kiss, I laughed at Jason Voorhees rockin' glowsticks.
And Dr. Octopus was also getting physical with Ursula; the two were making out and touching tentacles.
Then Voldemort greeted Vader with a fist pound; they were checking out Mystique's ass next to Chris Brown.
CHRIS BROWN??? Somebody needs to throw that guy out of the club, seriously!
And Megatron, he was getting it on, he was drawing a crowd, and they were calling out loud like:
"Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go Megatron! Go! Go! Go! Go!"
I looked up and saw Venom doing Jager Bombs on the ceiling. That's when I knew that I'd be partying with all these villains.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying, partying, partying.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying with all these villains.
All these villains. All these villains. All these villains. All these villains.
That's when I saw her there, from across the room: Poison Ivy doing Jell-o shots with Dr. Doom.
Like the Eye of Sauron, I couldn't look away. And she was with some Joker - the dude was probably gay.
And Patrick Bateman passed us shots of vodka, me and Jabba tossed them back like "Oooga chaca!"
I pushed Elmer Fudd out of the way, so that I could get closer, and I don't mean to be a Predator, but I got to get at her.
Freddy used his claws to open up chardonnay, I grabbed a glass and walked up to her like "Yo, pardon me."
I took her home, and she and I spent the night chillin' up in the bedroom partying with one hot-ass villain.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying, partying, partying.
I can't keep partying 'round. Keep partying 'round. Keep partying with all these villains.
All these villains. All these villains. All these villains. All these villains.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

torstai 18. lokakuuta 2012
Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 5
Grandma Got A Facebook
Grandma's got a Facebook, now she's hitting on my friends.
Don't care how it started, but now it's got to end.
Help me stay connected to my uncles and my aunts,
But I also know she's been in my best friend's pants.
Grandma, Grandma [x4]
Gr-Gr-Grandma Grandma
Grandma, Grandma [x3]
Well, ever since grandpa passed away, she's been chilling at home.
Watching soaps half the day 'cause she's feeling alone.
So, I set her up a Facebook and gave the address.
To my friends and I asked them all to send a request.
And no one would have guessed one day she'd go wild,
But grandma got obsessed and changed her profile to slutty McButtSex
And I was appalled when I saw a bunch of pictures of her cleavage on her wall.
Grandma's got a Facebook, now she's hitting on my friends.
Don't care how it started, but now it's got to end.
Help me stay connected to my uncles and my aunts,
But I also know she's been in my best friend's pants.
Grandma, Grandma [x4]
Gr-Gr-Grandma Grandma
Grandma, Grandma [x3]
Then she updated her status yeah, and it made me pissed
Cause she said her grandson was a crybaby bitch!
And all my stupid friends wrote her back and they laughed.
And they all liked her comment cause they're wack and I'm mad.
Is this considered abuse, yeah you'd be pissed at her too
Cause now her list to do's is just pictures of dudes.
I wanted her to make friends but she's about to seduce.
My homeboys with a mixture of vodka and prune juice.
Grandma's got a Facebook, now she's hitting on my friends.
Don't care how it started, but now it's got to end.
Help me stay connected to my uncles and my aunts,
But I also know she's been in my best friend's pants.
Grandma, Grandma [x4]
Gr-Gr-Grandma Grandma
Grandma, Grandma [x3]
I checked my Facebook daily.
I get a friend request from this old ass lady.
I know it's your grandma, but I ain't gonna lie.
She's rocking that muu muu, and looking all fly.
I want to smack your grandma on her wrinkly ass
Wrinkly ass, wrinkly ass!
I want to smack your grandma on her wrinkly ass
Wrinkly ass, wrinkly ass!
Butterscotch my balls
Me and your grandma sharing a sponge bath
I want to put my hands in your grandma's candy dish.
Grandma's got a Facebook, now she's hitting on my friends.
Don't care how it started, but now it's got to end.
Help me stay connected to my uncles and my aunts,
But I also know she's been in my best friend's pants.
Grandma, Grandma [x4]
Gr-Gr-Grandma Grandma
Grandma, Grandma [x3]
Grandma's got a Facebook, now she's hitting on my friends.
Don't care how it started, but now it's got to end.
Help me stay connected to my uncles and my aunts,
But I also know she's been in my best friend's pants.
Grandma, Grandma [x4]
Gr-Gr-Grandma Grandma
Grandma, Grandma [x3]
Well, ever since grandpa passed away, she's been chilling at home.
Watching soaps half the day 'cause she's feeling alone.
So, I set her up a Facebook and gave the address.
To my friends and I asked them all to send a request.
And no one would have guessed one day she'd go wild,
But grandma got obsessed and changed her profile to slutty McButtSex
And I was appalled when I saw a bunch of pictures of her cleavage on her wall.
Grandma's got a Facebook, now she's hitting on my friends.
Don't care how it started, but now it's got to end.
Help me stay connected to my uncles and my aunts,
But I also know she's been in my best friend's pants.
Grandma, Grandma [x4]
Gr-Gr-Grandma Grandma
Grandma, Grandma [x3]
Then she updated her status yeah, and it made me pissed
Cause she said her grandson was a crybaby bitch!
And all my stupid friends wrote her back and they laughed.
And they all liked her comment cause they're wack and I'm mad.
Is this considered abuse, yeah you'd be pissed at her too
Cause now her list to do's is just pictures of dudes.
I wanted her to make friends but she's about to seduce.
My homeboys with a mixture of vodka and prune juice.
Grandma's got a Facebook, now she's hitting on my friends.
Don't care how it started, but now it's got to end.
Help me stay connected to my uncles and my aunts,
But I also know she's been in my best friend's pants.
Grandma, Grandma [x4]
Gr-Gr-Grandma Grandma
Grandma, Grandma [x3]
I checked my Facebook daily.
I get a friend request from this old ass lady.
I know it's your grandma, but I ain't gonna lie.
She's rocking that muu muu, and looking all fly.
I want to smack your grandma on her wrinkly ass
Wrinkly ass, wrinkly ass!
I want to smack your grandma on her wrinkly ass
Wrinkly ass, wrinkly ass!
Butterscotch my balls
Me and your grandma sharing a sponge bath
I want to put my hands in your grandma's candy dish.
Grandma's got a Facebook, now she's hitting on my friends.
Don't care how it started, but now it's got to end.
Help me stay connected to my uncles and my aunts,
But I also know she's been in my best friend's pants.
Grandma, Grandma [x4]
Gr-Gr-Grandma Grandma
Grandma, Grandma [x3]
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

Uusin South Park jakso tuli katsottua
Katoinpa juuri uusimman South Park jakson ja kait se olisi ollut ihan hyvä jos puhe ei olisi mennyt sarjan tapahtumien edellä. -Oli varsin ärsyttävää katsoa jakso kun seuraavan kohtauksen dialogi kuului edellisen kohtauksen pyöriessä. -Mutta kyllä se ihan hauskalta vaikutti ja toivonmukaan saavat korjattua sen pikku virheen -niin voi katsoa uudestaan jakson.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

keskiviikko 17. lokakuuta 2012
Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 4
Smithers Love Song
Hey, Mr. Burns. You thought your money could buy you the world.
I said hey there, Mr. Burns. I happen to notice that you don't have a girl.
Smithers loves you, Burns. Why do you ignore him?
You gotta keep up the rapport like it's too important
Instead of running away, you should move in toward him.
But you keep him at the border like the dude is foreign.
We know you're straight, dude. I really hate to
Say there's no way anyone else would date you.
Straight out the gay scene. How do you face him
Knowing he wants to be your Malibu Stacy?
All he ever wanted to do was spend a little time with you.
Hey, Mr. Burns. Hey, Mr. Burns.
You know you're worth more to him than all the money you spend.
Hey, Mr. Burns. Hey, Mr. Burns.
Hey, Mr. Burns. I'm thinking maybe you should give him a chance.
I said hey there, Mr. Burns. Yeah, so what if he's a man.
We know you're blind, old man, but you can hear me talking.
You're always home alone. You ain't Macaulay Culkin.
You ain't a Flintstone. Pay no mind
To the fact that Smithers wants to have a gay old time.
And while relationships have their twists and turns,
You know he'll never leave you. Don't you, Mr. Burns.
So you should give him a shot, and maybe help the guy,
And you can make relations Santa's Little Helper style.
All he ever wanted to do was spend a little time with you.
Hey, Mr. Burns. Hey, Mr. Burns.
You know you're worth more to him than all the money you spend.
Hey, Mr. Burns. Hey, Mr. Burns
Hey, Mr. Burns. You thought your money could buy you the world.
I said hey there, Mr. Burns. I happen to notice that you don't have a girl.
Smithers loves you, Burns. Why do you ignore him?
You gotta keep up the rapport like it's too important
Instead of running away, you should move in toward him.
But you keep him at the border like the dude is foreign.
We know you're straight, dude. I really hate to
Say there's no way anyone else would date you.
Straight out the gay scene. How do you face him
Knowing he wants to be your Malibu Stacy?
All he ever wanted to do was spend a little time with you.
Hey, Mr. Burns. Hey, Mr. Burns.
You know you're worth more to him than all the money you spend.
Hey, Mr. Burns. Hey, Mr. Burns.
Hey, Mr. Burns. I'm thinking maybe you should give him a chance.
I said hey there, Mr. Burns. Yeah, so what if he's a man.
We know you're blind, old man, but you can hear me talking.
You're always home alone. You ain't Macaulay Culkin.
You ain't a Flintstone. Pay no mind
To the fact that Smithers wants to have a gay old time.
And while relationships have their twists and turns,
You know he'll never leave you. Don't you, Mr. Burns.
So you should give him a shot, and maybe help the guy,
And you can make relations Santa's Little Helper style.
All he ever wanted to do was spend a little time with you.
Hey, Mr. Burns. Hey, Mr. Burns.
You know you're worth more to him than all the money you spend.
Hey, Mr. Burns. Hey, Mr. Burns
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

Päivän puujalka
Päivän puujaloissa mennään taas Fingerporilla. -Tää tän kertainen on eilisestä Hesarista. -Menee näin...
Heimon kolleega Heimolle: -"Minä syön nyt eväshampurilaisen... Suonet anteeksi"
Miehen suonet: -"Et saa"
Ahhahah :D :D...
Heimon kolleega Heimolle: -"Minä syön nyt eväshampurilaisen... Suonet anteeksi"
Miehen suonet: -"Et saa"
Ahhahah :D :D...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän puujalka

tiistai 16. lokakuuta 2012
Päivän video(t)
Ja tässä toinen video -olkaa hyvät...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Päivän videot

Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 3
"My Balls"
Girl, I know you left me
But there was something I forgot to show you.
Check it out..
Baby girl, you left me. Oh no! We broke up.
It's been a while since we last spoke, but
I need another chance. Can you give me that?
'Cause there's something in my pants that'll win you back.
I wanna be your man again,
But you left me like I'm Jennifer Aniston.
And I know you said you'd never call,
But girl, you ain't seen my balls.
You-you-you-you ain't seen my balls.
My balls are so awesome. Don't get me started.
They're so damn big. How big are they?
They're so big. It's really obnoxious.
It's like two ewoks chillin' in my boxers.
They're so big. I can't hold 'em back.
Even Cartman's like, man those are fat.
They're so big. They're run over your feet.
That's why when they back up you hear a beep beep.
And how can I be subtle,
When my balls chase Indiana Jones through a tunnel?
And everyone at Disney World keeps telling me
That Epcot Center looks at 'em with jealousy.
In fact, when you see 'em on the street they'll
Fight Godzilla to the death in the sequel.
I'm guessing soon you'll be hoping I'm back,
'Cause my balls are so big they've got an opening act.
You-you-you-you ain't seen my balls.
My balls are so epic, and I ain't boastin',
But they have an effect on the tides in the ocean.
And when the sun's right, it might cause
A total solar eclipse of my balls.
'Cause these things are where it's happenin',
And when I whip 'em out you'll take me back again.
Should I compare 'em to a brontosaurus?
No, excuse me I'm on the chorus.
I got what you need.
And you'd said you'd never call,
But girl you ain't seen these balls.
I wanna be your man again,
But you left me like I'm Jennifer Aniston.
And I know you said you'd never call,
But girl, you ain't seen my balls.
You-you-you-you ain't seen my balls.
I told you you'd be back.
You must've forgot.
You must've had Ballzheimer's
Girl, I know you left me
But there was something I forgot to show you.
Check it out..
Baby girl, you left me. Oh no! We broke up.
It's been a while since we last spoke, but
I need another chance. Can you give me that?
'Cause there's something in my pants that'll win you back.
I wanna be your man again,
But you left me like I'm Jennifer Aniston.
And I know you said you'd never call,
But girl, you ain't seen my balls.
You-you-you-you ain't seen my balls.
My balls are so awesome. Don't get me started.
They're so damn big. How big are they?
They're so big. It's really obnoxious.
It's like two ewoks chillin' in my boxers.
They're so big. I can't hold 'em back.
Even Cartman's like, man those are fat.
They're so big. They're run over your feet.
That's why when they back up you hear a beep beep.
And how can I be subtle,
When my balls chase Indiana Jones through a tunnel?
And everyone at Disney World keeps telling me
That Epcot Center looks at 'em with jealousy.
In fact, when you see 'em on the street they'll
Fight Godzilla to the death in the sequel.
I'm guessing soon you'll be hoping I'm back,
'Cause my balls are so big they've got an opening act.
You-you-you-you ain't seen my balls.
My balls are so epic, and I ain't boastin',
But they have an effect on the tides in the ocean.
And when the sun's right, it might cause
A total solar eclipse of my balls.
'Cause these things are where it's happenin',
And when I whip 'em out you'll take me back again.
Should I compare 'em to a brontosaurus?
No, excuse me I'm on the chorus.
I got what you need.
And you'd said you'd never call,
But girl you ain't seen these balls.
I wanna be your man again,
But you left me like I'm Jennifer Aniston.
And I know you said you'd never call,
But girl, you ain't seen my balls.
You-you-you-you ain't seen my balls.
I told you you'd be back.
You must've forgot.
You must've had Ballzheimer's
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2012
Päivän TOD tod ToOoOoOoD makee(t) kuva(t)
Ou FUCK the sweet Jesus -YEAH 8)...:saint:...=)...:)... -Tänään tuli Akateemisesta kirjakaupasta poimittua mukaan Iso-Arskan elämänkertakirja -Total Recall. -Normaalistihan en ole mikään lukutoukka..., mutta tämä kirja oli TOD PAkKO saada. -Ja ei ainoastaan koristeeksi -vaan tosissaan aijon myös lukea tämän upeuden.
Tässä vielä lähemmin tarkasteltuna tämä upea kirja. -Kirjan sisälläkin riitti paljon makeita kuvia.
Tässä vielä lähemmin tarkasteltuna tämä upea kirja. -Kirjan sisälläkin riitti paljon makeita kuvia.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Makeet kuvat

Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 2
Orphan Tears
It was a weekend, and you can't stop
Us from going to the local dance spot.
Instead of drinking imported beers,
Somebody brought a bottle of Orphan Tears.
We popped the top. We know what was in it.
Yeah, we were all so stupid to sip it.
Orphan Tears are hallucinogenic.
I took one sip and saw a two-headed midget.
Then the room filled with colors and shapes,
And suddenly DeeJay was covered in snakes.
Oh snap! And what made it worse
Is I swear I saw a unicorn humping a smurf.
Then a rainbow appeared out of Wax's ass.
He passed some gas and it snapped in half.
Yo Deejay! Are you still there?
Yeah, I'm trying to hook up with this girl in a
Alright. Chill there. I think a bulimic
Carebear might pick a fight with Jesus.
I don't believe it. I'm gonna be sea sick.
These Orphan Tears are about to make me trip.
Little children, near and far
Don't know where your parents are.
Cry directly in this jar.
I will drink it at the bar.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
These Orphan Tears got me feeling like I ain't felt
I tried to bust-a-move but fell asleep on the dance
(DeeJay falls asleep and snores)
I swear I saw Bill Cosby like, "Hello with the
He was dancing in his underwear showing off his woody.
I ran to the bathroom. Everything is in slow mo.
I couldn't throw up, because the toilet bowl called me
a homo.
I barfed up a kitten, and I'm feeling strange.
Sippin' these Orphan Tears, now it's got me seeing
Little children, near and far
Don't know where your parents are.
Cry directly in this jar.
I will drink it at the bar.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
All up in the VIP section, straight relaxed.
The DJ playing my favorite tracks.
Waitress asked, what can I bring you.
I said the most expensive thing on the menu.
She came back with a glass of liquid.
I said, I asked for something different.
This looks like a normal beer.
She said, no it's Orphan Tears.
Took a swig. Then I walked down where the dance floor
Whole club looking like a forest.
DeeJay turned into a brontosaurus.
Everybody in the club looked like Chuck Norris.
I tried to run to the bathroom but when
I did I felt a vacuum suction.
Pulling me back slow
Dance floor turned into a black hole.
Spinning around horribly.
Feeling like Dorothy.
Woke up and was still at home.
Orphan Tears got us in the zone.
Little children, near and far
Don't know where your parents are.
Cry directly in this jar.
I will drink it at the bar.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
It was a weekend, and you can't stop
Us from going to the local dance spot.
Instead of drinking imported beers,
Somebody brought a bottle of Orphan Tears.
We popped the top. We know what was in it.
Yeah, we were all so stupid to sip it.
Orphan Tears are hallucinogenic.
I took one sip and saw a two-headed midget.
Then the room filled with colors and shapes,
And suddenly DeeJay was covered in snakes.
Oh snap! And what made it worse
Is I swear I saw a unicorn humping a smurf.
Then a rainbow appeared out of Wax's ass.
He passed some gas and it snapped in half.
Yo Deejay! Are you still there?
Yeah, I'm trying to hook up with this girl in a
Alright. Chill there. I think a bulimic
Carebear might pick a fight with Jesus.
I don't believe it. I'm gonna be sea sick.
These Orphan Tears are about to make me trip.
Little children, near and far
Don't know where your parents are.
Cry directly in this jar.
I will drink it at the bar.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
These Orphan Tears got me feeling like I ain't felt
I tried to bust-a-move but fell asleep on the dance
(DeeJay falls asleep and snores)
I swear I saw Bill Cosby like, "Hello with the
He was dancing in his underwear showing off his woody.
I ran to the bathroom. Everything is in slow mo.
I couldn't throw up, because the toilet bowl called me
a homo.
I barfed up a kitten, and I'm feeling strange.
Sippin' these Orphan Tears, now it's got me seeing
Little children, near and far
Don't know where your parents are.
Cry directly in this jar.
I will drink it at the bar.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
All up in the VIP section, straight relaxed.
The DJ playing my favorite tracks.
Waitress asked, what can I bring you.
I said the most expensive thing on the menu.
She came back with a glass of liquid.
I said, I asked for something different.
This looks like a normal beer.
She said, no it's Orphan Tears.
Took a swig. Then I walked down where the dance floor
Whole club looking like a forest.
DeeJay turned into a brontosaurus.
Everybody in the club looked like Chuck Norris.
I tried to run to the bathroom but when
I did I felt a vacuum suction.
Pulling me back slow
Dance floor turned into a black hole.
Spinning around horribly.
Feeling like Dorothy.
Woke up and was still at home.
Orphan Tears got us in the zone.
Little children, near and far
Don't know where your parents are.
Cry directly in this jar.
I will drink it at the bar.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Sip sip sippin' on Orphan Tears.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

sunnuntai 14. lokakuuta 2012
Your Favorite Martian music & lyrics enemmänkin luvassa
Tän olisi voinut toki mainita ennen tuota itse music and lyrics blogausta..., mutta kait se näinki päin käy. -Elikkä siis -tuo edellä blogaamani musavideo on YouTube julkkis Ray William Johnsonin luoma -Your Favorite Martian -niminen yhtye joka soittaa tollasta erikoista tecnojumputusta. -Ja kuten otsikossa jo totesin -"enemmänkin luvassa" -niin tosiaan alan blogaisemaan noita Your Favorite Martian -biisejä enemmänkin -tein jopa oman kansion mihin tallensin kuvat valmiiksi tuleville videoille. -Videoita on tehty jo aika paljon -joten näitä blogauksiakin on sitten luvassa niin paljon kuin videoita riittää. -Eli otsikoin music and lyrics blogaukset jatkossa otsikoin -Your Favorite Martian: Music and Lyrics, Nro 1 jne..
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

Your Favorite Martian: Music & Lyrics, Nro 1

The Stereotypes Song lyrics
You know, I always thought stereotypes were kinda
So I wrote a song about it,
and it goes a little something like this.
I think I love you more than the
Japanese love tentacle porn,
And we should dance dance dance d-d-dance to these
Let's come together and live in this world like a
unibrow on an Indian girl,
And we should dance dance dance d-d-dance to these
Check it out now.
I love those fat Americans.
You know they so obnoxious.
They always eating burgers.
They always holding shotguns.
And I love Mexicans.
The way they mow my lawn.
They all got a 100 kids 'cause they don't know how to put a
condom on.
Uh huh.
'Cause that's the way they roll.
Ya gotta go big like an Israeli nose.
If you ever buy a pint for an Irish guy,
And they're out of control like a Chinese driver.
I love the Middle East, but how do they handle
Rockin' burkas while they're riding camels.
I love Jamaicans. Yeah, they cool,
but they're always high, so don't let them fool ya.
Ya mon.
And I love them Puerto Ricans,
Even though they wash their ass about once a week and,
I'm just joking.
If you didn't know then
You're a little slow and you're probably from Poland.
I think I love you more than the
Japanese love tentacle porn,
And we should dance dance dance d-d-dance to these
Let's come together and live in this world like a
unibrow on an Indian girl,
And we should dance dance dance d-d-dance to these
Check it out now.
Aw yeah! Let me hear you yell
If you love the Outback
redneck Australians,
And the crooked ass teeth of an English dude,
And those creepy Italians who think they're smooth.
Mamma mia!
And how could anyone hate the French.
Yeah, I know their hairy women don't shave their pits.
Brazilian girls is what you want,
Walking around town with that ba-dunk-a-dunk.
I love Africans, but hold up a second.
National Geographic says they're all butt-nekkid.
Breasts hanging low. What have they done with their clothes?
They've disappeared like coke up a Colombians nose.
Uh oh! You're all on my checklist,
Even Russian guys who drink Vodka for breakfast.
They're stereotypes, and if you believe them,
Then your brain is small like a Korean's penis.
I think I love you more than the
Japanese love tentacle porn,
And we should dance dance dance d-d-dance to these
Let's come together and live in this world like a
unibrow on an Indian girl,
And we should dance dance dance d-d-dance to these
All together now!
I love Scotsmen, though they hump sheep.
(repeat 4x)
They hump sheep (repeat 3x)
I think I love you more than the
Japanese love tentacle porn,
And we should dance dance dance d-d-dance to these
Let's come together and live in this world like a
unibrow on an Indian girl,
And we should dance dance dance dance dance to these
Yeah. I'm just playing, you know I love you guys.
But seriously, don't hump any sheep.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012,
Music and Lyrics

lauantai 13. lokakuuta 2012
First, eating like savages in RAX, and then the movie Savages...?
Mitäs -miltä kuulostaisi ajatus. -Eka RAX:iin kolmisteen syömään kuin raakalaiset ikään -ja sitten teattereihin kattomaan tota eilen ensi-iltaan tullutta leffaa -Savages -Raakalaiset. -Facebookissa ilmoitan vielä mihin aikaan leffa menisi.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2012

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