Tales of Tales
Tän vois säästää suoraan DVD:lle. -Fantasialeffakokoelmaan kyllä tervetullut. -Mutta ei nyt aivan houkuttele teattereihin asti.
lauantai 26. syyskuuta 2015
Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 4
In the Shadow of Woman
Eipä hirveämmin kiinnosta tämä leffa -joten ei muuta kuin se -"ei kiitos" -ja kohti viimeistä esiteltävää.
Eipä hirveämmin kiinnosta tämä leffa -joten ei muuta kuin se -"ei kiitos" -ja kohti viimeistä esiteltävää.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 3
Kyllähän tätä voisi harkita. -Ainakin trailerin perusteella ihan hupaisan oloinen romanttinen komedia.
Kyllähän tätä voisi harkita. -Ainakin trailerin perusteella ihan hupaisan oloinen romanttinen komedia.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2014

Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 1
Nyt teattereissa pyörivistä sotaleffoista menen ehkä mieluummin katsomaan kotimaisen leffan -Kätilö..., mutta tämän kyllä jätän väliin -niin paljoa ei kiinnosta. -Itse asiassa kiinnostaa niin vähän että tuttu lause -"ei kiitos" -on paikallaan.
Nyt teattereissa pyörivistä sotaleffoista menen ehkä mieluummin katsomaan kotimaisen leffan -Kätilö..., mutta tämän kyllä jätän väliin -niin paljoa ei kiinnosta. -Itse asiassa kiinnostaa niin vähän että tuttu lause -"ei kiitos" -on paikallaan.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

perjantai 25. syyskuuta 2015
Tänään tuli niin paljon ensi-iltaleffoja etten kyllä millään jaksa esitellä niitä tänään -joten siirrän esittelyt huomiselle.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Uusimmat South Park jaksot tuli katsottua
Eilen tuli katsottua South Parkin 19. kauden avausjakso missä South Parkin ala-aste saa uuden rehtorin joka ei suvaitse minkäänlaista syrjintää.
Uusimmassa jaksossa minkä katsoin tänään heti aamusta jatketaan samalla teemalla. -Tälläkertaa opettaja Mr. Garrison lähtee vastarintaan kanadalaisia pakolaisia vastaan. -Ajankohtainen aihe ja South Park iskee jälleen hauskalla huumorillaan.
Uusimmassa jaksossa minkä katsoin tänään heti aamusta jatketaan samalla teemalla. -Tälläkertaa opettaja Mr. Garrison lähtee vastarintaan kanadalaisia pakolaisia vastaan. -Ajankohtainen aihe ja South Park iskee jälleen hauskalla huumorillaan.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

torstai 24. syyskuuta 2015
Synttäri typy
Synttäri typy on valmistanut sankarillemme melkoisen synttäriyllätyksen. -Noilla eväillä kelpaa viettää synttäriä. -Ja nyt en tarkoita eväillä noita muffinseja.
Onneksi olkoon Matsku84
Onneksi olkoon Matsku84
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015,
Päivän typyt

Synttäri (päivän) kuva
Synttäri (päivän) kuvana toimii Liam Neeson Taken hahmossaan ja annetaanpa itseasiassa kuvan hoitaa loput kertomiset.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015,
Päivän kuvat

Synttäri makee kuva
Synttäri makeena kuvana toimii tollanen Alien teemainen kakku. -Kakun syömisen jälkeen on sellainen ähky että vatsassa tuntuu kuin Alien olisi puskemassa ulos. -Ei tosin rintakehän läpi :D...:p...:)...
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015,
Makeet kuvat

Synttäri liikkuva kuva
Synttäri liikkuvana kuvana toimii maljaa nostava Leo DiCaprio. -Nostaa sankarillemme synttärimaljan.
Onneksi olkoon Matsku84
Tänään on Matskun 31 vuotis synttärit ja on aika onnitella sankaria seuraavin blogauksin...
- Synttäri liikkuva kuva
- Synttäri makee kuva
- Synttäri (päivän) kuva
- Synttäri typy
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

perjantai 18. syyskuuta 2015
Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 3
Tätä ei ole mitään syytä jättää suoraan DVD:lle -tämä kyllä kiinnostaisi käydä ihan teattereissa asti kattomassa.
Tätä ei ole mitään syytä jättää suoraan DVD:lle -tämä kyllä kiinnostaisi käydä ihan teattereissa asti kattomassa.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 2
Labyrintti - aavikkokokeet
Tän vois säästää DVD:lle ihan sen takia että ykkönenkin jäi näkemättä teattereista -joten jätetään nyt tämäkin sitten.
Tän vois säästää DVD:lle ihan sen takia että ykkönenkin jäi näkemättä teattereista -joten jätetään nyt tämäkin sitten.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Perjantain ensi-illat Nro 1
Woman in Gold
Tän vois säästää ehkä suoraan DVD:lle. -Ihan niin paljoa ei kuitenkaan kiinnosta että menisin tota teattereihin asti kattomaan.
Tän vois säästää ehkä suoraan DVD:lle. -Ihan niin paljoa ei kuitenkaan kiinnosta että menisin tota teattereihin asti kattomaan.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Music & Lyrics
"Come and Get It"
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready
When you're ready
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
You ain't gotta worry, it's an open invitation
I'll be sittin' right here, real patient
All day, all night, I'll be waitin' standby
Can't stop because I love it, hate the way I love you
All day, all night, maybe I'm addicted for life, no lie.
I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.
I love you much, too much to hide you, this love ain't finished yet.
This love ain't finished yet…
So baby whenever you're ready…
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready
When you're ready
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
You got the kind of love that I want, let me get that. (Let me get that yeah)
And baby once I get it, I'm yours no take backs.
Gon' love you for life, I ain't leaving your side
Even if you knock it, ain't no way to stop it
Forever you're mine, baby I'm addicted, no lie, no lie.
I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.
So baby whenever you're ready…
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready
When you're ready
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
This love will be the death of me
But I know I'll die happily
I'll know, I'll know, I'll know
Because you love me so… yeah!
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready
When you're ready
When you're ready come and get it (when you're ready come and get it)
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready
When you're ready
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
You ain't gotta worry, it's an open invitation
I'll be sittin' right here, real patient
All day, all night, I'll be waitin' standby
Can't stop because I love it, hate the way I love you
All day, all night, maybe I'm addicted for life, no lie.
I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.
I love you much, too much to hide you, this love ain't finished yet.
This love ain't finished yet…
So baby whenever you're ready…
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready
When you're ready
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
You got the kind of love that I want, let me get that. (Let me get that yeah)
And baby once I get it, I'm yours no take backs.
Gon' love you for life, I ain't leaving your side
Even if you knock it, ain't no way to stop it
Forever you're mine, baby I'm addicted, no lie, no lie.
I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.
So baby whenever you're ready…
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready
When you're ready
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
This love will be the death of me
But I know I'll die happily
I'll know, I'll know, I'll know
Because you love me so… yeah!
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]
When you're ready
When you're ready
When you're ready come and get it (when you're ready come and get it)
Na na na na [3x]
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015,
Music and Lyrics

lauantai 12. syyskuuta 2015
Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 5
The Visit
Tätä voisi jopa harkitakkin ihan teattereihin asti mennä katsomaan. -Kuudes aisti ohjaajalta pitkästä aikaa hyytävä trilleri. -Varmasti on hyvä.
Tätä voisi jopa harkitakkin ihan teattereihin asti mennä katsomaan. -Kuudes aisti ohjaajalta pitkästä aikaa hyytävä trilleri. -Varmasti on hyvä.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 4
Rick and the Flash
Tän vois ehkä säästää suoraan DVD:lle -niin paljoa houkuttele että menisin ihan teattereihin asti kattomaan.
Tän vois ehkä säästää suoraan DVD:lle -niin paljoa houkuttele että menisin ihan teattereihin asti kattomaan.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 3
The Nut Job
Tän vois säästää ehkä DVD:lle -ihan teattereihin asti ei houkuttele -vaikka onkin nimekkäitä tähtiä äänirooleissa.
Tän vois säästää ehkä DVD:lle -ihan teattereihin asti ei houkuttele -vaikka onkin nimekkäitä tähtiä äänirooleissa.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 2
Ingrid Bergman: Omin sanoin
Eipä nyt hirveämmin houkuttele tämäkään leffa -joten tällekin vaan se -"ei kiitos" -ja sitten kohti seuraavaa leffaa.
Eipä nyt hirveämmin houkuttele tämäkään leffa -joten tällekin vaan se -"ei kiitos" -ja sitten kohti seuraavaa leffaa.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2014

Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 1
Eipä voisi vähempää kiinnostaa tämä leffa -joten ei muuta kuin -"ei kiitos" -ja etiä päin esittelyissä.
Eipä voisi vähempää kiinnostaa tämä leffa -joten ei muuta kuin -"ei kiitos" -ja etiä päin esittelyissä.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

perjantai 11. syyskuuta 2015
Tänään on WTC-iskujen muistopäivä -joten tänään ei tule ensi-ilta esittelyjä vaan blogaisen ne huomenna. -Nyt jatkuu hiljainen hetki uhrien muistolle. -NEVER FORGET!!
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

keskiviikko 9. syyskuuta 2015
Music & Lyrics
(performed by Young Thug & Rich Homie Quan)
(performed by Young Thug & Rich Homie Quan)
[Intro - Rich Homie Quan & Young Thug:]
London On Da Track bitch
Rich Homie, Thugga Thugga in this mothafucka'
Rich Homie, Thugga Thugga in this mothafucka'
Rich Gang, Thugga Thugga baby
Got like 4 ounces in a 20, bitch
On blood
[Hook - Young Thug:]
I've done did a lot of shit just to live this here lifestyle
We came straight from the bottom to the top, my lifestyle
Nigga livin' life like a volcano and this only the beginnin'
I'm on the top of the mountain, puffin' on clouds and niggas still beginnin'
[Verse 1 - Young Thug:]
Million 5 on the Visa card
Hundred bands still look like the fuckin' Titans
Nigga servin' great white like I'm feedin' sharks
I won't do nothin' with the bitch, she can't even get me hard
Somethin' wrong with the pussy
Even though I ain't gon' hit it, I'ma still make sure that she gushy
Me and my woadie, we don't get caught up like that, no way
We ain't got time to go see doctors, J (Who said money?)
Hop up in my bed full of forty bitches and yawnin'
Hey, think this a show bitch, I'm performin'
I do this shit for my daughters and all my sons, bitch
I'm a run up them bands, I'll take care their funds, bitch
I got a moms, bitch, she got a moms, bitch
I got sisters and brothers to feed
I ain't goin' out like no idiot, I'm a OG
[Hook - Rich Homie Quan and Young Thug]
[Verse 2 - Young Thug:]
Still screamin' "Fuck the otherside"
I'ma ride for my nigga, aye
And I'ma die for my nigga, aye
Ain't gonna be latching on my niggas aye
Niggas couldn't see me if they had a genie
I'ma live my life like Bennie, R.I.P. my brother Bennie
I stack them racks to the ceiling, now these niggas can't beat me
I just might wake wantin' Chanel and these bitches can't see me
I'm in a whole other league
I ain't got AIDS but I swear to God I would bleed 'til I D.I.E
28 floors up I feel like I could F.L.Y.E.E
Pee on top of these bitches
God told me they can never stop me so they ain't gon' stop me
(I'm in that Corvette with baby mommy gettin' sloppy toppy)
I'm bleedin' red like a devil, I see these bitches plotty
They wanna know how I got M's and I didn't finish college
[Hook - Rich Homie Quan and Young Thug]
[Verse 3 - Rich Homie Quan:]
I do it for my daddy, I do it for my mama
Them long nights, I swear to God I do it for the come up
I'm Willie B beating on my chest, in the jungle, aye
Money on money, I got commas in every bank
Sunday through Monday I've been grindin' with no sleep
Talkin' 'bout takin' somethin' from me, like no way
Thugga Thugger, that's my brother, brother
You don't want no trouble trouble or you can get these fists, knuckle, knuckle
Buckle up like a seatbelt or I'll shoot yah
Punchin' on the gas, too fast, and I lose yah
Give me a bed, and I'll do her, I want her head, Medusa
I swear a nigga gone cause this strong I'm blowin' super
Grindin' for a new day
I'm skatin', like that nigga Lupe
Aye, I'm on the top just like toupee
Aye, I'm in her mouth just like toothpaste
[Hook - Rich Homie Quan and Young Thug]
[Outro - Birdman:]
Sitting in the middle of this ocean, Pacific that is
You understand me? Bunch of bad bitches, ya heard?
Popping that GTV, living that lifestyle, ya heard?
I do this for Ms. Gladys, boy - 100
London On Da Track bitch
Rich Homie, Thugga Thugga in this mothafucka'
Rich Homie, Thugga Thugga in this mothafucka'
Rich Gang, Thugga Thugga baby
Got like 4 ounces in a 20, bitch
On blood
[Hook - Young Thug:]
I've done did a lot of shit just to live this here lifestyle
We came straight from the bottom to the top, my lifestyle
Nigga livin' life like a volcano and this only the beginnin'
I'm on the top of the mountain, puffin' on clouds and niggas still beginnin'
[Verse 1 - Young Thug:]
Million 5 on the Visa card
Hundred bands still look like the fuckin' Titans
Nigga servin' great white like I'm feedin' sharks
I won't do nothin' with the bitch, she can't even get me hard
Somethin' wrong with the pussy
Even though I ain't gon' hit it, I'ma still make sure that she gushy
Me and my woadie, we don't get caught up like that, no way
We ain't got time to go see doctors, J (Who said money?)
Hop up in my bed full of forty bitches and yawnin'
Hey, think this a show bitch, I'm performin'
I do this shit for my daughters and all my sons, bitch
I'm a run up them bands, I'll take care their funds, bitch
I got a moms, bitch, she got a moms, bitch
I got sisters and brothers to feed
I ain't goin' out like no idiot, I'm a OG
[Hook - Rich Homie Quan and Young Thug]
[Verse 2 - Young Thug:]
Still screamin' "Fuck the otherside"
I'ma ride for my nigga, aye
And I'ma die for my nigga, aye
Ain't gonna be latching on my niggas aye
Niggas couldn't see me if they had a genie
I'ma live my life like Bennie, R.I.P. my brother Bennie
I stack them racks to the ceiling, now these niggas can't beat me
I just might wake wantin' Chanel and these bitches can't see me
I'm in a whole other league
I ain't got AIDS but I swear to God I would bleed 'til I D.I.E
28 floors up I feel like I could F.L.Y.E.E
Pee on top of these bitches
God told me they can never stop me so they ain't gon' stop me
(I'm in that Corvette with baby mommy gettin' sloppy toppy)
I'm bleedin' red like a devil, I see these bitches plotty
They wanna know how I got M's and I didn't finish college
[Hook - Rich Homie Quan and Young Thug]
[Verse 3 - Rich Homie Quan:]
I do it for my daddy, I do it for my mama
Them long nights, I swear to God I do it for the come up
I'm Willie B beating on my chest, in the jungle, aye
Money on money, I got commas in every bank
Sunday through Monday I've been grindin' with no sleep
Talkin' 'bout takin' somethin' from me, like no way
Thugga Thugger, that's my brother, brother
You don't want no trouble trouble or you can get these fists, knuckle, knuckle
Buckle up like a seatbelt or I'll shoot yah
Punchin' on the gas, too fast, and I lose yah
Give me a bed, and I'll do her, I want her head, Medusa
I swear a nigga gone cause this strong I'm blowin' super
Grindin' for a new day
I'm skatin', like that nigga Lupe
Aye, I'm on the top just like toupee
Aye, I'm in her mouth just like toothpaste
[Hook - Rich Homie Quan and Young Thug]
[Outro - Birdman:]
Sitting in the middle of this ocean, Pacific that is
You understand me? Bunch of bad bitches, ya heard?
Popping that GTV, living that lifestyle, ya heard?
I do this for Ms. Gladys, boy - 100
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015,
Music and Lyrics

lauantai 5. syyskuuta 2015
Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 3
Koodinimi U.N.C.L.E.
Tää tuli eilen käytyä kattomassa ja oli kyllä ihan hauska ja vauhdikas toimintaseikkailu. -Tässä kaikki tältä erää -hyvää viikonloppua.
Tää tuli eilen käytyä kattomassa ja oli kyllä ihan hauska ja vauhdikas toimintaseikkailu. -Tässä kaikki tältä erää -hyvää viikonloppua.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 2
Einstein in Guanajuato
Eipä nyt hirveämmin houkuttele tämä leffa -ei itseasiassa ollenkaan -joten ei muuta kuin "ei kiitos" -ja etiä päin.
Eipä nyt hirveämmin houkuttele tämä leffa -ei itseasiassa ollenkaan -joten ei muuta kuin "ei kiitos" -ja etiä päin.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Eiliset ensi-illat Nro 1
Tässä on harvinaisuus; nimittäin kotimainen elokuva mikä oikeasti kiinnostaa nähdä. -Ihan teattereissa asti. -Ihan aikuisten oikeasti.
Tässä on harvinaisuus; nimittäin kotimainen elokuva mikä oikeasti kiinnostaa nähdä. -Ihan teattereissa asti. -Ihan aikuisten oikeasti.
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015

Music & Lyrics
(feat. Ke$ha)
(feat. Ke$ha)
It's going down, I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance
Let's make a night you won't remember
I'll be the one you won't forget
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
The bigger they are, the harder they fall
These big-iddy boys are dig-gidy dogs
I have 'em like Miley Cyrus, clothes off
Twerking in their bras and thongs, timber
Face down, booty up, timber
That's the way we like to–what?–timber
I'm slicker than an oil spill
She say she won't, but I bet she will, timber
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
It's going down, I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance
Let's make a night you won't remember
I'll be the one you won't forget
It's going down (it's going down), I'm yelling timber
You better move (you better move), you better dance (you better dance)
Let's make a night you won't remember
I'll be the one you won't forget (you won't forget)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane
Nah, it's just me, ain't a damn thing changed
Live in hotels, swing on planes
Blessed to say, money ain't a thing
Club jumping like LeBron now, Volí
Order me another round, homie
We about to clown. Why? 'Cause it's about to go down
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
It's going down, I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance
Let's make a night you won't remember
I'll be the one you won't forget
It's going down (it's going down), I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance (you better dance)
Let's make a night (let's make a night) you won't remember
I'll be the one (I'll be the one) you won't forget (you won't forget)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), (hey), wooooah (it's going down) (Pitbull)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (c'mon), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (you won't forget), wooooah (timber)
...It's going down, I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance
Let's make a night you won't remember
I'll be the one you won't forget
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
The bigger they are, the harder they fall
These big-iddy boys are dig-gidy dogs
I have 'em like Miley Cyrus, clothes off
Twerking in their bras and thongs, timber
Face down, booty up, timber
That's the way we like to–what?–timber
I'm slicker than an oil spill
She say she won't, but I bet she will, timber
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
It's going down, I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance
Let's make a night you won't remember
I'll be the one you won't forget
It's going down (it's going down), I'm yelling timber
You better move (you better move), you better dance (you better dance)
Let's make a night you won't remember
I'll be the one you won't forget (you won't forget)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane
Nah, it's just me, ain't a damn thing changed
Live in hotels, swing on planes
Blessed to say, money ain't a thing
Club jumping like LeBron now, Volí
Order me another round, homie
We about to clown. Why? 'Cause it's about to go down
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
It's going down, I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance
Let's make a night you won't remember
I'll be the one you won't forget
It's going down (it's going down), I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance (you better dance)
Let's make a night (let's make a night) you won't remember
I'll be the one (I'll be the one) you won't forget (you won't forget)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), (hey), wooooah (it's going down) (Pitbull)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (timber), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (c'mon), wooooah (it's going down)
Wooooah (timber), wooooah (you won't forget), wooooah (timber)
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015,
Music and Lyrics

perjantai 4. syyskuuta 2015
Music & Lyrics
"U Guessed It"
Goddamn boy that nigga Mac didn't never call bruh
But I'm seeing that nigga everywhere bruh
Dog you know that nigga went Hollywood and shit
Man fuck that nigga dog
OGG? Fuck is a OGG? OGG, OGG!
Aye bruh
I mean you don't think that nigga really getting no money right?
I mean that nigga ain't really fucking hoes, right?
Well, (Damn)
Bitch you guessed it
WOO! you was right
Bitch you guessed it
GLAH GLAH fuck nigga on sight
Bitch you guessed it
Still in that place and I'm flexin
WOO! bitch you guessed it
I'm still with my niggas, come and test us
Bitch you guessed it
Walkin around with extra in my pocket
Bitch, you next to us
Why the fuck are you next to us
Bitch you should come test us
I seen what you rockin and nigga you can't dress with us
Seen what yo bitch looked like and nigga I wasn't impresses or nun
Fuck nigga come and talk it out
Fuck nigga we ain't talkin it out
What the fuck we finna talk about
All we know is that mula, benji's, franklin's and that guala
Fetti with us, bunch of ha niggas
Bunch of them bitches all in they whip
Lickin on titties
Runnin my check up I think I'm with Nike I'm sprinting SHEESH
Y'all couldn't hear me
Bitch you guessed it
You was motherfuckin right
Bitch you guessed it
WOO! you was right
Bitch you guessed it
GLAH GLAH fuck nigga on sight
Bitch you guessed it
Still in that place and I'm flexin
WOO! bitch you guessed it
I'm still with my niggas, come and test us
...But I'm seeing that nigga everywhere bruh
Dog you know that nigga went Hollywood and shit
Man fuck that nigga dog
OGG? Fuck is a OGG? OGG, OGG!
Aye bruh
I mean you don't think that nigga really getting no money right?
I mean that nigga ain't really fucking hoes, right?
Well, (Damn)
Bitch you guessed it
WOO! you was right
Bitch you guessed it
GLAH GLAH fuck nigga on sight
Bitch you guessed it
Still in that place and I'm flexin
WOO! bitch you guessed it
I'm still with my niggas, come and test us
Bitch you guessed it
Walkin around with extra in my pocket
Bitch, you next to us
Why the fuck are you next to us
Bitch you should come test us
I seen what you rockin and nigga you can't dress with us
Seen what yo bitch looked like and nigga I wasn't impresses or nun
Fuck nigga come and talk it out
Fuck nigga we ain't talkin it out
What the fuck we finna talk about
All we know is that mula, benji's, franklin's and that guala
Fetti with us, bunch of ha niggas
Bunch of them bitches all in they whip
Lickin on titties
Runnin my check up I think I'm with Nike I'm sprinting SHEESH
Y'all couldn't hear me
Bitch you guessed it
You was motherfuckin right
Bitch you guessed it
WOO! you was right
Bitch you guessed it
GLAH GLAH fuck nigga on sight
Bitch you guessed it
Still in that place and I'm flexin
WOO! bitch you guessed it
I'm still with my niggas, come and test us
Hulk blogging,
Hulk blogging 2015,
Music and Lyrics

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