lauantai 28. syyskuuta 2024

Music & Lyrics via Jurassic Park: A MatoApina Hulk's Blog

 Blogaisinpa omaan Jurassic Park: A MatoApina Hulk's Blogiini aika erikoisen musavideon jolle löytyi myös sanat. Siksipä blogaan täällä MatoApinan blogissa sen Music & Lyrics blogauksena. Alla👇 kappaleen sanat.

Jurassic Park - Redeneck World 

They built the Dino Park where the river winds by

Ancient lizards roaming ‘neath the big country sky

Uncle Hammond called, “Come and see the fun!”

But we didn’t know those dinos would be on the run

Grant’s deep in bones, diggin’ through the mire

Ellie’s eyeing the treeline, sayin’, “This place will backfire!”

Fences are down and the dinos are loose

Fightin’ ‘em back with some homemade booze

Grant’s on the roof, yellin’ “Blast ‘em good!”

Shootin’ at the critters like a redneck should

Oh, Jurassic Park in the Southern sun

Keepin’ them back ‘til the day is done

Malcolm’s on the porch talkin’ chaos and fate

While Grant’s riggin’ up traps with an old rusty crate

Cousin Nedry’s grill was blazin’, dino on the rack

Till a giant roared in and took him for a snack

Hammond’s in the barn, wondering what went wrong

As the dinos break loose and start a wild song

Fences are down and the dinos are loose

Fightin’ ‘em back with some homemade booze

Grant’s on the roof, yellin’ “Blast ‘em good!”

Shootin’ at the critters like a redneck should

Oh, Jurassic Park in the Southern sun

Keepin’ them back ‘til the day is done

Muldoon’s out huntin’ with his trusty old gun

“Clever girl” he whispers, knowin’ he’s done

Arnold’s flippin’ switches, shoutin’, “Hang on tight!”

But the dinos had him for a feast last night

Timmy’s up a tree, Lex is screamin’ loud

Grant’s fightin’ off the beasts, tryin’ to keep ‘em proud

Fences are down and the dinos are loose

Fightin’ ‘em back with some homemade booze

Grant’s on the roof, yellin’ “Blast ‘em good!”

Shootin’ at the critters like a redneck should

Oh, Jurassic Park in the Southern sun

Keepin’ them back ‘til the day is done!


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